
The Edge of Always by J.A. Redmerski

thepaige_turner's review

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When I found out that I had been granted permission to read and review and advanced copy of this on NetGalley I was so excited! I loved the first book, The Edge of Never, and this one also did not disappoint!

While The Edge of Never was filled with romance and passion with a smidge of heartbreak, The Edge of Always rivaled all that by throwing in deeper emotions of love and loss. I genuinely felt sad for Camryn and Andrew and all that they went through in these 400 some pages. When they triumphed and overcame an obstacle I was cheering along with them, and when they sank down and felt defeated, I mourned with them as well.

There was a few times towards the end where I felt like the book was dragging on a bit much, and I was relating less to the characters and what they were saying, but I still think this was a fulfilling sequel. A bit lengthy? Yes. Necessary? Maybe...

I think it's really up to each individual reader to decide whether or not this was as good as the first book. I for one thought The Edge of Never was better, but this one was a good ending for Camryn and Andrew's trials, tribulations, and travels.

So, if you disregard that the ending was a little bland, the beginning and middle of the book more than make up for what the ending was trying to accomplish (closure, I guess? The author was just giving way too many over the top descriptions of love, even for me to handle).

Overall, a wonderful ending to the duology and was something that I greatly anticipated to read and now am glad that I have finished it!

b00knrd's review

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3.5 stars. It was Not as good as the edge of never!

rayasunshiine's review

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I hate to do this...I really, truly hate to do this. I feel the need to begin this review with a disclaimer: I LOVED the Edge of Never. Andrew and Camryn were both incredible characters I found myself emotionally invested in. I re-read the book twice because J.A. Redmerski wrote with so many feels and mind-blowing scenes. But this...

I downloaded the book as soon as it was available at midnight on its release date and finished it the following afternoon. I have never felt so disappointed and let down in my life. The entire book seemed like I sat down with the author to lunch after having finished "The Edge of Never" and asked her "so, what happened next??"
All 80% of the e-book would have been a transcription of her 3 hour spoken answer of her throwing out some possible plot ideas and theories, making time jumps with an aside to me saying "I still have yet to figure that out exactly but I imagine it will involve them doing x and ", character inconsistencies from the first book since she's only covering the surface of their character with no real dialogue or depth since she's merely brainstorming, all well rounded with maybe 1 or 2 real touching scenes. Oh and then she'll decide to throw me for a loop at the end with a possible epilogue introducing a new character she can capitalize (Read: Cash in) on for the creation of a third book for the series. There's no conclusion, no closure, Andrew and Camryn become exactly what they don't want to become in the end - lifeless, personality-less, "mature adults" who have no actual deep thoughts of their own as they sign off in their last POVs of the story.

I'm pretty sure I read only 60% of the book and spent the rest hitting the "next" arrow on my kindle. It wasn't so much that the story bored me, there was just nothing to the story to actually read. I'm sure I could have written a more eloquent review for this, I believe Redmerski deserves it after how much I adored The Edge of Never, but I won't for the time being for two reasons:

1. I'm irrationally fired up over how upset I was by The Edge of Always
2. I could make specific references to how horrible and inconsistent the whole thing was but I don't want to hide any of my review because it contains spoilers and I don't my review to taint anyone's opinion to read the book. I'm incredibly eager to see how many people finish the book and feel as I do. Maybe then we can petition for Redmerski to give us a REAL sequel and not this churned out, emotionless crap.

My final word? If I had known the sequel was going to be like this, I would have preferred the Edge of Never to have stood on it's own. The book ended with enough closure for me to have been happy about Andrew and Camryn's futures. In fact I believe the future they had at the end of the book would have been incredibly amazing compared to how Redmerski proceeded to screw them over in The Edge of Always.

sandeeisreading's review

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"You think we're lost?"

I tilt my head back a little and look up at the stars behind her and say, "In society, maybe. But together, no. I think we're right where we need to be."


My heart
Is just full of happiness right now!

To date, The Edge of Never and now The Edge of Always easily became my favorite book of all time.

Before I start and share my passionate love for this book. I'll start with a short GIST

Just when things are starting to fall into place... unexpected things happen that could possibly tear them apart.

Camryn and Andrew met on a Greyhound bus in Kansas.
They met. Got to know each other. Went on a roadtrip. Helped each other. Fell in love.

They both didn't have any idea how that would change their life forever.

A few months after their roadtrip together, Camryn and Andrew couldn't be more happier.
Things was starting to fall together.
They made plans for their future.
They made arrangements.
They had to as they were expecting a baby girl along the way.
But something happened.
Something unexpected that pushed Camryn over the edge.
She tries to hide it like she did a thousand times before but this time Andrew was there.
He was there to make sure Camryn doesn't go through her struggles alone.
He wasn't going to let her go.
He wasn't going to let her fall apart without him.
He was going to be there for her no matter what happens.
Even if it kills him.


I just thought this book was really beautiful.
Both of them are.
I loved the first one, but this book really sealed the deal for me. This is my favorite books of all time.
It touched me in ways other books couldn't.

It was a slow start I agree but I feel like it wouldn't be as heartfelt if the book was too rushed or something. It felt beautiful. It felt real.

I liked how Camryn and Andrew's relationship turned out. I knew there were loose ends on the last book with Camryn and I loved how Andrew helped her get over that. It was just beautiful and heartwarming and endearing and... Well I couldn't think of any more adjectives as of the moment that would describe how wonderful this book really made me feel. It took me up and down and all around! It was a complete rollercoaster ride.

I think the highlight of this story is really just about love. How love can heal everything. How love could mend broken things. I loved how Andrew showed Camryn how much he loves her no matter what. He never, not once, ever made her forget how much she means to him. He was just perfect. Andrew just couldn't stop swooning me until I am absolutely crazy for him. He was just perfect. I really wish I could find a guy like him.

Camryn. Although I didn't really agree on some of the decisions she made on this book and on the past one, I still liked her. People cope with pain and loss at different levels and I guess she just had too much and she just broke. Luckily, Andrew was there to pick up all the pieces and mend it back together.

I cried. Again. Seriously. For the nth time I really cried for this book. I am both happy and sad that its finally come to a close. I enjoyed the giggles that I get when Andrew made his moves on Camryn. I cried when it seems that the problems were pushing them away from each other. I got excited when they were going to go back on a roadtrip. I was happy and again teary-eyed when they finally got their happily ever after.

Love is such a special thing isn't it? I love J.A Redmerski so much I think I'll kiss her a million times when I see her.

When Camryn and Andrew did their little gigs every now and then, I absolutely imagined Andrew singing the song "Your Song" to Camryn. Of course, its the Cameron Mitchell version is what I was talking about. I attached a short snippet of the lyrics below.

It's a little bit funny this feeling inside
I'm not one of those who can easily hide
I don't have much money but boy if I did
I'd buy a big house where we both could live

If I was a sculptor, oh, but then again, no
Or a man who makes potions in a travelling show
I know it's not much but it's the best I can do
My gift is my song and this one's for you

And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world

I seriously think its the perfect song for Camryn and Andrew. I really imagine him singing this song to Camryn and it melts my insides.. I feel extremely giddy just thinking about it.

Oh and last but not the least can I just say...

Seriously. Andrew is a total keeper! If I meet someone like him, I'd really throw my underwear across the room!! :D LOL. Just kidding!

All in all. I am totally in love with this book! This book left a mark on me and I will really really treasure it forever!

Amazing job JA Redmerski!!
Holy Smokes! Best ending ever in the entire universe!!!
That was seriously AMAZING!

Right now I'm...

To read an excerpt and join the giveaway for a print COPY of the Edge of Always. Check out the link below!! :)

My long and heartfelt review to follow!!



Oh Andrew!!

beckyrendon's review

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Always and forever

Andrew and Camryn are not strangers to bad things. Their lives have been full of traumatic and depressing situations. The Edge of Always adds more to their lives.

But in true Andrew and Camryn fashion they find their own way through it. I really liked this series. I loved the follow up and subsequent ending. I loved knowing how their lives are now.
Beautiful story

charli_onslow's review

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not as good as the first book, but ok nun the less

jamie_beth's review

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Ok, I LOVED Cam and Andrew. LOVE them. However, I feel like this was a repeat of book 1, which was exciting. This book made me annoyed with Camryn's character and I feel like it was a forced follow up. It was the same story all over again. Let's go on a road trip to escape being a grown up. They already did that, and this follow up was unnecessary in my opinion. About halfway through, I started to skip huge chunks just to get the end. I wanted to know how they ended up, and I feel like that could have been done with a prologue. I only gave it 3 stars because this couple is a favorite of mine. Otherwise... eh.

dreizehn's review

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The majority of the book was fine--when there was some conflict, and things were actually happening. However, the story definitely loses steam. About 3/4 of the way through the book, I completely lost interest. After the baby part, I had to skim the rest just to finish.

gabbysreading's review

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I liked it but I was just a little disappointed in this one. It was a little flat for me. I LOVED The Edge of Never so much and I may have had my expectations too high. Nevertheless, I still enjoyed it and I still heart Andrew.

sydney_09's review

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I like how this book and it's predecessor is different from the traditional love stories. I feel that some of the familial characters were not as developed as they could've been for how important family was in the story particularly with Camryn's dad who is only mentioned and never really introduced. Camryn's "moment of weakness" I feel is unrealistic, most people who go through something so traumatic don't come out ok. While I love the type of relationship she and Andrew have I can't help but feel it is also unrealistic. Overall the story was well written. Still a little slow to get into.