
One Tiny Lie by K.A. Tucker

becsbookshelf's review against another edition

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“Life has a funny way of creating its own tests. It throws curve balls that make you do and think and feel things that are in direct conflict with what you had planned and don't allow you to operate in terms of black and white.”

Livie’s plan her entire life has been to make everyone proud. Since her parents passing she’s been forced to live up the high expectations set by herself and look out for her older sister. Their journey has been less than perfect, but they have each other.

Livie worked her ass off to find herself at Princeton for college. Often forgetting to live a little along the way. She’s got no intentions of partying and getting caught up in college life. She needs to pass her classes, set herself up for medical school and meet a respectable man.

Working herself to the bone it’s time for her to let her hair down a little. Her roommate whom she can’t say no to drags her out for a night she’ll never forget. Ashton is the boy your parents warn you about, Connor is the one you merry. Livie can’t stop thinking about the arrogant yet extremely attractive Ashton.

Nothing is as what it seems. Livie’s starts to let go and the cracks show though her grades and the struggle to find herself. Add in some drama. Family secrets and realising life doesn’t always pan out the way you want it to and you’re left with a beautiful and challenging story of hope.

I devoured this along with the two before. The twists and lies kept me hanging on for dear life. I’m a sucker for a complicated series and highly recommend this one if you love that signature Tucker story!

julespie's review against another edition

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Something about the way K.A. Tucker weaves her stories just has me hooked. I enjoyed Livie so much from Ten Tiny Breaths and when I first started this I still enjoyed her. She needed to learn to live and she does. A nice twist to Ashton which made him so much deeper and I like that he wasn't a typical asshole.

thebooktrollop's review against another edition

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"Normal is boring. Tequila, Livie. It makes wallflowers into butterflies"

Oh excuse me for a moment while I turn into a FANGIRL and totally GUSH over this book...
Ok ok ok now that I got that out of my system lets get started...
I really had my reservations with this book because I LOVED LOVED LOVED Kacey's character in Ten Tiny Breaths, that I didn't think I would relate or even like her sister's story as much as I liked Kacey's....
WEEELLLLLL Guess what....
I DID!!!!
I am not sure if I liked it more or loved it the same, I can't seem to decide but one thing is sure..
this book is PURE PERFECTION!!!
This book didn't play with my emotions as much as 10 Tiny Breaths but it was still very emotional..
I mean really the first line of the book is:

"Livie, I think you're completely fucked up"

Of course that line was expertly delivered by Kacey.

Kacey has this crazy notion that her sister is way too perfect, she does not step out of line, she has been on the straight and narrow since birth and Kacey feels she has some deep serious issues that have not been dealt with so of course Kacey gets Dr. Stayner involved in unraveling the perfect world that Livie has built for herself. They get Livie to do some outrageous things over the summer before her college career starts. Livie can't believe that a doctor is prescribing fun and alcohol to get her to lighten up.

"I suggest tequila, Livie. Not crystal meth... And no, I'm not recommending tequila becaus you are only eighteen and I am a doctor. That would be highly unprofessional. I'm recommending that you go and have fun!"

Why yes if you have not figured it out by now Dr. Stayner is highly unconventional but seems like he knows what he is doing. And unbeknownst to Livie he slowly but surely makes his way through her life and makes a tremendous difference.
As a future counselor I hope I can make an impact in someone's life like that and HELL I may even prescribe tequila... ;)

While attending her first college party Livie not only drinks for the first time in her life but she gets completely wasted, a tattoo, sees a couple penises and makes out with the captain of the rowing team..
The first meeting between him and Livie involves jello shots, a tongue, and a punch in the jaw. Yeah and that is only the beginning of their friendship.
But as much as Livie likes him, Ashton is closed off, and not only that, he has a girlfriend of his own, So enter Connor from stage left who happens to not only be Ashton's roommate but also his best friend. Livie starts seeing Connor but can't seem to shake Ashton because well, he's unshakeable.

This starts the love triangle that I didn't mind being involved in.

Livie takes Dr. Stayner's wayward advice and not only lives a little at college but creates a huge MESS that completely rocks her world and causes her to run back home to Kacey.

"You helped shatter two hearts today. You must be proud. Goodbye, Livie"

You are mad at her, rooting for her, mad at Ashton and also crying buckets of tears all at the same time. You can't put the book down until the end, when you find out what is going to happen, what Livie is going to do, and what is going to happen to Ashton.
Livie's world is completely turned upside down, she doesn't know who she is or what she is going to do with her life. The life that she always knew and thought she always wanted was completely shattered by one boy and one crazy psychiatrist.

"Earth-shattering. My earth. Shattered. The one I knew or thought I knew, blown away"

By the end you find out why Ashton is the way he is and does the things he does and feeling entirely too heartbroken for this guy...
GAhh my heart hurt so bad for him by the end of this book. Nobody should have had to go through what he had too in his life.

This book was just incredible. I was a bundle of nerves and on the edge of my seat until the very last page where I was then laughing at how ridiculous Kacey was, yet again. My emotions went full-circle and I was in a book-love haze that didn't escape me for a while...

K.A. Tucker takes you on a journey of self-discovery, with twists and humor that has you crying from either laughing so hard or crying in pain for the characters. I don't know how she did it but she made this book just as incredible as the first one and I am so excited to read more from this author.. She is fan-fucking-tastic...

I give this book a 5/5 AMAZING stars!! I loved it and I know all of you will love it as much as I did.

This book is a sequel but it can be read as a stand alone if you so incline.

teganbeesebooks's review against another edition

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3.5. I enjoyed this, I read it really quickly, but I did enjoy Ten Tiny Breaths more. Not that I don't like Livie, but Kacey was more compelling. And this had some too familiar material that made it difficult to read at times. Full review to come

zahrasreadingcorner's review against another edition

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3.5 stars
This was such a good book lessons-wise especially that I've been struggling lately with my career path and now I have a more open-minded way of looking at it. I've read this book already like, two years ago and at the time I kinda liked it but the romance was kinda killing it for me what with the cheating and everything. I still think some parts of the romance were kinda toxic but I still liked some aspects of it.

tigsy_20_08's review against another edition

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I couldn't put this book down. I read it in one go.

yesididbringabook's review against another edition

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I wanted more.

bluebeereads's review against another edition

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I received a free ARC copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. Thank you!

How can I describe this book without falling apart? Without crying like I did most of this book? I just can't.

Okay, first things first. This book is the sequel to Ten Tiny Breaths and it starts a few years after the events of that book. But this time, it's time to follow Livie. She starts her therapy with doctor Stayner (sort of) in the first chapter and then it jumps to the fall, when she arrives at Princeton and after a wild night with her new roommate Reagan and her sister, she wakes up in her room with a brand new tattoo on her back, almost naked with a naked guy in the room. She doesn't remember a thing from the night before. The guy turns out to be Ashton. A hot guy who clearly has some issues of his own and doesn't want her to be with him for reasons she doesn't know. Then she meets Connor, a hot Irish guy who is also Ashton's best friend. Connor obviouly would be the best choice, but why does she keep thinking about Ashton? It doesn't take long before Livie finds out that college life isn't what she'd planned it to be. Can she let go of her last promise to her father and with that the only identity she knows?

You all know the saying "Don't judge a book by its cover."? Yeah, don't judge a book by its blurb, either. Just don't. Not with these books. They're waaaay better then you'd expect. The writing is so good, it's as if I'm reading the script of a movie or a TV-serie. It's really vivid and realistic, especially the conversations. The timing in this book is great. When you needs some drama, you get drama. When you need romance and/or passion, you get that. When you need some humor, there it is! Perfectly timed every single time. That's some great writing, I tells ya.

Even though this book is about Livie, we see all the characters from the first book again. Of course we see Kacey again. She's still awesome and still together with Trent. They are so cute together now! Happy and in love. I loved that. I also love the bond Kacey and Livie have as sisters. Makes me want to have a sister all over again. Of course, Storm and Mia are still there. And Dan, Ben and Cain. But there are some new characters too. Reagan, Livies roommate. She's awesome. Kacey and Reagan together are hilarious. There's Ty and Grant, friends of Ashton and Connor. (More about those two later.) Livie volunteers in a children's hospital (I think) and meets two boys. Derek and Eric, two brothers, twins from 5 or 6, who both have cancer. Their story is so sad too, but not too sad. Can't spoil to much, but it's not a sad ending for them. And they're awesome. Doctor Stayner is still here. His methods of therapy seem odd, but in the end, he's a genius. I love him and I want him as my doctor too.
Then there's Connor. Irish, hot, nice, funny and a gentleman. Yeah, he seems perfect doesn't he? I love me an Irish hottie. Gimme!
Last but not least, Ashton. He's got some major issues and I'm not telling you guys anything about that, but it's really really bad. Horrible. Just broke my heart. But I really love him. I would choose him over Connor any day.

This book made by heart break, crumble and shatter into a million pieces over and over and over again, but in the end, I was sitting here in my couch with a smile on my face. And my heart was healed. It was one hell of a ride, this book, but it was worth it. Sooo worth it.

lcmarie19's review against another edition

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This is an awesome read. LOVED Ashton. And liked Livie, as per usual. Another powerful read. Tucker is SO good at that!

samtastic27's review against another edition

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love this author!