
One Tiny Lie by K.A. Tucker

photogcourt's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this more than Ten Tiny Breaths. I was expecting to like it, but not as much as I did. K.A. Tucker really surprised me with this. I enjoyed her first novel, but it wasn't anything to write home about. The characters in this were so much better, so much more real to me.

I really enjoyed Livie's story a lot, I think for me the college thing, not fitting in, being shy, and having all these changing life plans really struck home for me. Of course, the whole relationship and issues stuff was not something I can necessarily relate too, but I still liked in nonetheless. I just think Livie reminds me a lot of myself, we both thought we had all these plans and knew what we wanted but, big surprise, we had no clue. Livie, at least, figured out a little big of it in the end (I'm still working on it). So it was nice to read her story, and see her let loose at times, but also progress and change throughout the story. I really liked Ashton as well, all sides to him were fascinating to read, and Tucker outdid herself with the dialogue between the two.

Although it IS a romance novel, it is so much more than that. The issues in this book felt more realistic to me, and it was hard for me to pull myself away. I didn't find myself rolling my eyes like I would at any other romance novel, because this simply, was not cheesy at all. Of course there were moments that seemed like it might be over the top, but it never overshadowed anything. The book simply flowed. I'm excited to read what's next in this series, however I am really going to miss these characters. I really liked the Princeton scene and Ashton's roommates- I think that would make it's own interesting story.

My only complaint is that it wasn't as long as I wished it to be, I could have gone for more detail throughout the middle. Time slipped by fast it seemed. I also wouldn't mind a different ending. The epilogue crammed a whole semester of recap into it mixed with present day. i wouldn't have minded more of that detailed out in the actual story either.

If anything, I would say read the first one because it plays a role in understanding Livie and her sister and where she is coming from before this, but if you can only get to this one, then do it. Out of the few New Adult books I have read so far, this one is my favorite.

abowlen's review against another edition

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This was a quick read and I enjoyed it. Well written and I’ll reiterate that Tucker creates characters that are flawed and real.

romancebookaddict's review against another edition

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I almost didn't even start this book I was disappointed in a certain character right from the start. But I kept going, glad I decided to.

accio_coffee's review against another edition

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I can admit that I didn't like this has much as the first. I loved ten tiny breaths. This one I enjoyed but not as much. I liked livvie but I just didnt understand why kacey thought she had a problem. She seemed fine to me. She just wanted to be perfect but.i guess in the end it just showed that she needed to do what made her happy rather then being afraid her dad wouldn't be proud of her. I wish there was more development between Ashton and livvie. I felt they really didnt even really spend time together enough to be so in love as they said but I did enjoy the scenes when they were together. At first I didn't like him because of course he was your typical manwhore but after hearing his story it explains a lot. So I think this book to me is 3.5 close to 4 stars.

shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review against another edition

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FABULOUS READ. Loved the story and how Livie grew into an amazing young woman....with the help of Dr. Strayner. Review to come

jessicasilfenroy's review against another edition

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4.5 ⭐️ If you loved Ten Tiny Breaths there is no way you won’t love Livie’s story. The main characters are flawed, there’s a lot of angst, and a love triangle that will make you go crazy, but still, all the pieces are put together so perfectly. A main theme is choosing what’s in your heart over your head and letting go, which I really enjoyed. As I said after reviewing Ten Tiny Breaths, this is a perfect series for CoHo fans.

shelfaddiction's review against another edition

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Originally posted on Shelf Addiction! See the full review and more at Shelf Addiction

I'd heard so many good things that I was nervous about it being all hype. There's this tragic thing called a "sophomore slump", and thank goodness this was a far far cry from that! While not perfect, One Tiny Lie delivered. I knew that the story would be from Livie's POV instead of Kacey's and that it wasn't exactly a continuation of Ten Tiny Breaths, instead a story in a different time from a different POV. Each of the stories in this series focus on different characters that we were initially introduced to in Ten Tiny Breaths. I knew it would be a little different so I kept an open mind going into it.

There are a few points in the story that cross with something that happened in the previous book, whether it's from the epilogue or somewhere else in Ten Tiny Breaths, those connections really add to the back story. On the flip side, the way that Tucker writes this installment, you can read this as a stand alone as well. For those of us who read the previous book, it's a bonus seeing the characters who started it all, but it's not mandatory.

I really enjoy K.A. Tucker's writing style, it's sharp, emotional, witty and funny at times. While I liked the writing, I did have a few complaints which kept this book from a perfect rating.

...Continue reading the rest of the review on my blog Shelf Addiction

0sc4rsbooksh3lf's review against another edition

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re-read it after 4 years and it's always a pleasure.   I really loved this book when I was little because I could relate to Livie a lot, in her personality, in her actions, in the meaning behind her actions… she was a kind of an example for me and she was one of those characters that I used to mention when I dreamed about an adult me. I said that so you can get why I liked (and like) this book so much. but now, seriously talking: usually books of this genre are exaggeratedly long, for no reason full of useless things. well...this book is too short. there were many things that could still be said and told instead it all lasts too little. trivially the relationship with ashton, which in my opinion from the fulcrum of the book has been reduced to a minimum. there are so many cases where sequels are superfluous. but here it was necessary.

melagrossi's review against another edition

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I’ve been looking forward to this story, as you may or may not know K.A. Tucker’s Ten Tiny Breaths was my favorite, number one book I read in 2012, the tops out of 396 books, so I had great expectations, but I was also worried about the sophomore slump… no need to worry, this book was just as amazing. Many thanks to Netgalley who provided me with a galley version in exchange for an honest review.

We pick up the story some time after life with Kasey has settled down, and now it’s time to follow Livie’s story. She’s grown up, finished high school and is on her way to Princeton, to fulfill her life long dream of being a doctor, and helping kids fight cancer. Dr. Stayner is still involved in the girls’ lives and challenges Livie to embrace freedom and college life, to taste it all.

College is a wild and crazy place, I should know, I work at one. This life is shell shocking to our little Livie who has been a shy reserved girl her whole life, repressed really in so many ways. In bringing her to Princeton Kasey makes it her mission to help her sister live life more fully, to walk on the wild side, so she and Livie’s new roommate Reagan drag our sweet girl off to party.

The party is a pivotal time in Livie’s life, she gets crazy drunk and mayhem ensues, and of course she meets the campus bad-boy, Ashton. There is the inevitable morning after, hangovers, tattoos and a nickname, Livie is now Irish. Although fascinated by this bad-boy he’s got a girl back home and a hundred others in his room, so not what Livie needs. He isn’t her picture of her future and happiness but she does meet the perfect part of that picture Connor, who happens to be Ashton’s roomie and bestie. You could palpably feel the awkwardness of it all.

Through classes, and parties and volunteering Livie struggles to figure out who she really wants and needs to be. Connor is perfect, and the perfect boyfriend, but there’s something about Ashton, something running deep which draws Livie to him time and again.

K.A. Tucker weaves a beautiful tale of Livie’s coming of age and figuring out who she is and who it is she wants to be. It is a wild and emotional ride and I couldn’t put it down. Pick it up, I’m positive you will love it. Kudos K.A., another amazing story.

raeanna11's review against another edition

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