
Joy in the Morning by Betty Smith

larksnest's review

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Besides a few moments which were truly too sexist or just too violent for me, this was an interesting read. Betty Smith is writing a fictional version of her own experiences - as a young bride, a young mother, living on a mid-western college campus and pinching pennies to make ends meet. She's descriptive enough as to make it clear to the reader what it was like, being a young, white, married 18 year old woman in the year 1928. Definitely painted a picture.

cashton's review

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Betty Smith’s novel Joy in the Morning, is a sweet story about a college aged couple from Brooklyn who decide to marry early and the trial of their first year of marriage set in small midwestern town. From angry mothers, to college life, to an unplanned pregnancy Smith paints a quaint picture of love and accomplishing dreams.

clairezel's review

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For how much I truly just ADORE A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, this one let me down. I would have had to fully transport myself to the 20s to appreciate the juvenile, saccharine way they spoke to each other and I just couldn't get there

alisonraereed's review

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This book really grew on me as it went. Surprisingly the writing was of far less caliber than “A Tree …”even though this was written twenty years later. However, I love Smith’s world-view : individuals matter and small moments of ordinary people are important. I grew to like Carl more than I planned on and grew to love Annie. It’s a funny little book. 

I think Smith takes characters that we have no real reason to love or care about then builds up an affection for them through small day to day vignettes of them - that takes time. (And ideally that’s how Jehovah wants us to view people too) 
I think what this book is missing that made “A Tree…” a classic is the sweep of it - that was a coming of age whereas this is one year in these characters’ lives only. Also this is missing all the funny side stories of the family members and neighbors that “A Tree…” had. 
But it’s very rare to write more than one timeless classic in a lifetime ! Hats off to Betty Smith!! 

brandif314's review

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I read this book because I really enjoyed Smith's A Tree Grows in the Brooklyn. That book is hard to follow up, and this book in no way compares to it. However it is still an enjoyable read.

beautifulshell's review

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Loved this - although not quite as much as I did A Tree Grows In Brooklyn. Similar characters, and seemed a bit of an extension of that book, but somehow not quite as endearing as Francie Nolan. Their struggles, however, are more similar to mine (obvs), which was compelling in its own way. Bottom line, though, Betty Smith books make me want to keep reading and get me attached to the characters, so I'm going to have to go and find some more now...

trishawojcik's review

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A young couple from Brooklyn fall in love and married in the late 1920s. This tells the story of their first year together. An innocent time. Not exactly a plot driven story- more of just a year in the life of a coed and how they get by. It definitely grew on me.

ewhaverkamp's review

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I almost abandoned it but stuck it out. It was hard to like or get to know these characters. They seemed wooden or unanimated. I just had to internally cringe and keep going at some parts. It shows how times have changed for the better especially for women rights. I was glad I kept reading. It is definitely the lowest rated of her books for me.

bethm42's review

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A lot funnier than I expected, and not overly sentimental. A great read!

akovach's review

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Such a lovely read. Betty has a wonderful way of writing about writers as her characters. An enjoyable read, similar to A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Both books represent periods of time in her life as well. So interesting. A favorite quote from this book is from page 239, "But a person can't live on bread alone. He should buy hyacinths to feed his soul." Betty also contrasts sometimes simple minded and curious characters with deep, sometimes dark human struggles making very soulful works of art.