
Selected Lyric Poetry by Alexander Pushkin

florencebrino's review

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"The genius's masterpiece appears
With former brilliance to us."

- Alexander Pushkin, "Artist"

If you had to tell someone that you have burnt a letter, what would you say? How would you explain the simple act of burning paper? Grab paper, burn paper. Done.
So, when I find someone that is able to take an ordinary situation like burning paper and transform it into such an evocative poem that makes me feel like I am burning it myself–I can even see the flame and smell the tragic ending of the letter–then I know I am in the presence of a brilliant writer. Not in vain he is often referred to as the father of modern Russian literature.
The Burned Letter

Farewell, Letter of Love! farewell: it’s her desire.
How long did I delay! How long refused, in ire,
I to destroy the single joy of mine!...
Enough! The time has come. Burn, scripts of love divine.
I’m ready; nothing else can call for my sad soul…
Now the greedy flame is touching its form whole…
A minute!… it is flamed and blazing – smoke, light,
With my bitter laments, is flying of my sight.
And now the ring’s stamp forfeited its form previous –
It’s boiling – the seal wax… O, Providence of Heavens!
That’s all! The letter’s leaves are twisted, now black;
On their light ashes their well known track
Is whitening… My heart is squeezed. Oh, dear ashes,
In my sad destiny, my poor consolations,
Forever lie on breast, so fully, fully wracked…

Have you seen its flame?

Pushkin's poetry is as magnificent as his prose. Beautiful images, extraordinary language, insightful thoughts and palpable feelings that you will either want to share or relieve. I enjoyed reading his poems, even the ones that I found too romantic (those usually make my brain want to take a nap). He and his masterful use of the language can do magic.

Extinguished gaiety of years, which sunk in madness,
Presses on me like a hangover restless.
But in my soul, foregoing pine
Becomes through time still stronger, like a wine.
My way is sad. Predicts me toile and woe –
The sea of future in a wrath and row.

But, oh, my friends, I do not want to die;
I want to live for reasoning and trial;
I know, it will come – my satisfaction
Amidst the troubles, grieves and agitation:
Sometimes I’ll sink in harmony again,
Or wet my thought with tears of joy and pain.
And maybe, else, to my nightfall, in darkness
Will love smile farewell with her former brightness.

His little masterpieces in the form of verses gave me such a freedom to form my own interpretations of them. My modest brain read each poem and found a very personal meaning. Perhaps, the meaning I needed to find (or the only one I was able to find; but I'll stick to the "need" version, it sounds more poetic).
The Cloud

The last one of clouds of scattered a tempest,
Just single you’re flying in azure, the prettiest,
Just single you’re bringing the sorrowful shade,
Just single you’re saddening day that is glad.


Enough, now vanish! Your time is not endless -
The earth is refreshed and away gone the tempest;
And now the wind, fondling leaves of the trees,
With pleasure is driving you out the sky bliss.


Don’t ask me why

Don’t ask me why, alone in dismal thought,
In times of mirth, I’m often filled with strife,
And why my weary stare is so distraught,
And why I don’t enjoy the dream of life;

Don’t ask me why my happiness has perished,
Why I don’t love the love that pleased me then,
No longer can I call someone my cherished--
Who once felt love will never love again;

Who once felt bliss, no more will feel its essence,
A moment’s happiness is all that we receive:
From youth, prosperity and joyful pleasantry,
All that is left is apathy and grief...

Not everything is that dark. His subtle humor and wit are still present in his poetry. I chose this one as a fair example:
The Curious

‘Well, what is new?’ – ‘I swear nothing else.’ –
‘Hey, don’t cheat me; for sure, something you know.
It is a shame, that from your mate, the best,
You hide the things, as from a hardened foe.
Or are you cross: then why, my dear friend?
Just say a word; don’t play a stubborn role …’ –
‘Oh, go away, I only know that
You are a fool and it isn’t new, in whole.

Looking for some juicy gossip, Push? Well, I have news for you. For one poem you wrote, I read like five.

–What’s new? “I tell you, nothing whatsoever.”
–Don’t fool with me: you’re hiding it, I know.
Oh, don’t you feel ashamed? you think you’re clever
To hide the news from me like from a foe?
Oh, tell me, brother, why? Inform me, I insist!
Don’t be so stubborn, give me just a clue...
“Oh, let me be, the only thing I know is this -
That you’re a fool, but that is nothing new.”
If only I could speak Russian...

Anyway, I feel like an extremely proud parent that wants to talk about an exceptional son, over and over again. Even if you are talking about how to eat a cupcake like a gentleman (that actually exists), they will find a way to bring up the "son subject". That is how I feel about Pushkin now. I would like to share more of his poems because I can't find the right words to express how beautiful they are. Sure, I could say “these poems are beautiful, you should read them”, but that is hardly enough.

This author's remarkable sensitivity combined with his outstanding writing style and rich vocabulary made my week. Such beauty is everything but common.

Mar 4, 14
* Also on my blog.
Note: I read a different edition (more information on comments below.)

gonza_basta's review against another edition

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I've always thought that it doesn't make much sense to read the poems of some poets unless they are in their original language, and after reading the translator's foreword to this Puskin's collection in English, my idea has only been confirmed.
Apart from that, I have only read the actual poems, leaving aside the ballads and short stories in lyrical form, and they are certainly beautiful, but the predominant feeling remains the regret of not having learned Russian.

Ho sempre pensato che non avesse molto senso leggere le poesie di alcuni poeti se non in lingua originale, e dopo aver letto la premessa del traduttore a questa raccolta in inglese di Puskin la mia idea non si é che confermata.
A parte questo, ho letto soltanto le poesie vere e proprie, lasciando perdere le ballate e i racconti in forma di lirica e sicuramente sono bellissime, ma il sentimento predominante resta il dispiacere di non conoscere il russo.

ophirbun's review against another edition

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adventurous inspiring lighthearted reflective medium-paced


moray's review against another edition

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emotional hopeful inspiring mysterious reflective tense fast-paced


Favorite poetry collection 💗

howlsgrl's review against another edition

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baby’s first pushkin

fourfootedbeasts's review against another edition

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adventurous medium-paced


lcush98's review against another edition

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adventurous challenging emotional funny lighthearted mysterious reflective sad tense medium-paced

tumblehawk's review against another edition

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Good to finally read Pushkin, the poet of my people, but what this did to me more than anything else is make me grieve that I couldn’t read it in the original language. I’ve never wanted to learn Russian more.

j_hx's review against another edition

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dark emotional inspiring mysterious reflective sad tense medium-paced


lucyoconnors's review against another edition

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inspiring medium-paced


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