
Winter by Marissa Meyer

mdacunto_09's review against another edition

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adventurous tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes



kghill002's review against another edition

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OMG!!!!!! This book is absolutely AMAZING!! I thought it was a great way to end the story!( though, I wish it had an epilogue, and more Kaider( just one of my MANY otps))

sophiewilliams's review against another edition

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Good rounding off of a lot of storylines!

marinadelibrosyalgomas's review against another edition

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Antes que nada quiero decir que Blancanieves es la mejor, la más linda y la más buena de todas las princesas de cuentos de hadas que he leído en mi vida. Así que partiendo de esta premisa/aclaración/declaración voy a comenzar esta reseña.

Winter, es el último libro de la saga Crónicas Lunares de Marissa Meyer, y por supuesto es el más esperado por todxs lxs que leimos ya las aventuras y desventuras de Cinder, Scarlet y Cress, y llegamos ansiosxs por leer más sobre Winter, la hijastra de esa bruja malvada lunar llamada Levana, quien a fuerza de bloquear su poder de controlar/manipular las mentes humanas, sufre las consecuencias en su psiquis y su cuerpo. Winter es buena, amable con los súbditos de su malévola madrastra, generosa con los débiles y desposeídos, desinteresada, cuidadosa de los animales, un ser de luz en todo sentido. Winter está perdidamente enamorada de Jacin, un guardia lunar que es su amigo desde la infancia, y que siempre está haciendo hasta lo imposible por protegerla.

En este libro volveremos a sufrir con Kaito, el emperador de la Comunidad Oriental, que sigue tratando de conseguir el antídoto para combatir la pandemia de letumosis que asola la tierra. Nos pondremos ansiosxs esperando que Cinder consolide su posición como la desaparecida princesa Selene, la verdadera heredera del trono lunar, y se haga justicia destituyendo a Levana (es imposible no detestarla!)...Además queremos saber que será de Scarlet y Wolf, y por supuesto del galán de la Galaxia, Thorne y la hacker Cress.

Es muy lindo el final que le da a los personajes, no quiero cometer ningún spoiler, pero todos los finales de historias me gustaron mucho. Obviamente, no es el libro más profundo que leí en mi vida, pero tiene ritmo y es entretenido, y si te gustan los cuentos de hadas, este retelling, tiene todo eso.

Mi Puntaje: 5 Marinas

isabelle8794's review against another edition

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  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated


watermelon_pepperoni's review against another edition

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While this book has some parts that made me beat it with my fists(purely for THE FEELS), I loved it overall.

Without spoilers:
-Oh Captain Thorne. You're still the best male lead.
-Cinder is the Queen of my heart.
-Friendships! So many new friendships!
-I highly anticipate Stars Above.



The breakdown:
Winter & her story were handled very well. The end of her tale kind of...gave me weird feelings. Also, at the begining of her tale it felt...predictable? In a way none of Meyer's other "retellings" did. BUT overall, she was a strong heroine. Jacin was a lot more developed in this book, which is good because I felt so MEH about him in book one.

The Cinder side of the story were done really well. I've always loved Cinder and her journey. It's such a strong, awesome conclusion. Also, Kai really grew on me. Like, I think he might be my second favorite second hero after Captain Thorne (<3). They're both so...yes.

Scarlet's story was interesting. I loved her new relationship with Winter, and it was also a great break to have a couple who were established and not "oh noes, does that person like me?" Not that I mind romantic tension, but it was nice to have variety there. And Wolf. Wolf. I wanted to cry. He's just suffered so much, and I just wanted him and Scarlet to be happy on their damn farm.

Finally, last but not least, Cress and Thorne. Oh Cress, I love you so much. She is tied with Iko for my second fav heroine in the series. I will admit, the...romantic tension here was a BIT irky. Like, I liked the scene with the Lunar, and the bedroom scene, but...not 10% of the Rampion scenes. I felt it was a bit over done considering the events of Cress. However, apart from the romance which...cute, I really liked that they were seperated a lot. Cress got to do so much. She was a hero.

...and Thorne


He's perfect. Such a great character, with understandable, internal conflict, real growth, and HEART.

Let it be written on my grave: Captain Carswell Thorne is AWESOME.

(Which reminds me, I need to get my hands on his short story. Like, NOW.)

audreykaye28's review against another edition

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adventurous emotional funny medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


luweebayy's review against another edition

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adventurous medium-paced


jcj25's review against another edition

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**Vague SPOILERS**

Loved Jacin. Didn't love what happened to Wolf, or how easily Scarlet accepted it without the slightest issue. Of course she needed to eventually accept it, but it still needed to genuinely affect her, and she should have felt some grief for it/him, as one would feel for a loved one (for example) losing a limb, or some other unwanted permanent change. Winter was charming, and so unique as a character. I thought her mental instability really worked as a way to make the people genuinely love her, in a way that other Snow White incarnations have failed to do (ahem...The Huntsman). Loved Thorne and Cress's development. I admit I often grew impatient with Kai, and felt a little internal groan each time the scene POV would switch to him. It was as if the 'damsel in distress' role got switched to him, and it was so tedious listening to his inner unhappiness while externally he pretty much just stood there and said veiled impolite things to Levana.

As an end to the series, I thought the story worked very well. The author did a very thorough job wrapping things up and hinting at the fitting happy endings for the characters. Satisfying, and highly recommended.

ashefaye's review against another edition

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Trigger Warnings: Death of humans and animals, blood, revolution/war, manipulation, human mutation, pandemic, hallucinations, human experimentation, one cuss word at the end, mentions of abuse (emotionally, physically, & sexually)

I loved this ending! I was very intimidated by how many pages this book has, but every page is worth it. There are multiple povs in this book but thankfully it wasn’t done in a way that got confusing or boring like Cress kinda was. It also leaves everything open and nothing unturned, which I was grateful that everything tied up and nothing was left unexplained. I fell in love with all of the pairings, but I think Scarlet and Wolf will always be my favorite! I was glad that I read Fairest first to get a look at Winter and Jacin before this book, definitely made me feel different about Jacin’s character. The last battle was extremely intense and thankfully well-written. I was happy to finally read an ending with a lot of action; I’ve read too many with fade to black or one hit kill type of endings. Overall definitely one of my top favorite series! The mix of having sci-fi fantasy and the added aspects of the fairytales fit perfectly❤️ Now excuse me while I go cry and daydream about the future of these amazing characters!