
Fantasy of Flight by Kelly St. Clare

titi_miranda's review against another edition

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Este libro definitivamente superó mis expectativas.
Le tengo mucho cariño a Olina. Me encanta lo mucho que va creciendo a través de la historia, porque ya no es una pequeña niña inocente que se esconde a través de un velo, ahora ella habla por si misma y esta aprendiendo a tomar sus propias decisiones.
Me alegré mucho por Olina en este libro ya que en él, encontró muchas cosas entre secretos y aventuras, pero lo más importante para mí, fue que descubrió amigos y algo que ella nunca tuvo, un hogar.
Pero aparte de lo anterior, este libro sigue con una trama y unos misterios muy interesantes y con datos y revelaciones que vale la pena leer.

5 estrellas

burningupasun's review against another edition

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I liked this one, even if the first half is kind of a completely different book from the second half (and from the 1st book itself). I'm still not ENTIRELY sure it was necessary, but I also enjoyed it? I really like Olina a lot.

krispykrisco's review against another edition

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This series just keeps getting better. I really like the main characters, but I honestly think the secondary characters make these books. She does a great job with them.
Can’t wait to see what happens next.

lorrinne's review against another edition

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Actual Rating: 3.5 stars

writeramyshannon's review against another edition

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Remarkable! Well, worth the wait!

Olina "Lina" is back in another gripping story. I read the first one "Fantasy of Frost" and was anticipating St. Clare's next story, and this was worth the wait. It's a fantastic story that's meant for young adults, but I found adults of any age that love a great story with remarkable characters and survival. Lina is still recovering from the loss of Kedrick, the first person she ever loved. In her previous story, her face was always veiled, and she was not allowed to ever see her own face or show it to others. The story continues with twists and turns, as she overcomes the past and tries to move forward. There is a line in the story that jumped out at me, and it rings so true, especially from someone who has suffered abuse, as Olina did. "Ashawn might have hurt me physically, but you've hurt me much more with your words." St. Clare indeed has a way with storytelling.

cdgorri's review against another edition

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Well first off can I just say, Wow! Well done, Ms. St. Clare! This is a great sequel!

The universe the author created in book one was original and exciting and in book two we get more of that same refreshing scenery with just enough detail. We are introduced to new characters who are intricate to Lina's personal growth. The story's pace is perfectly timed. There is a lot of action that keeps the story moving.

Olina/Frost/Tatuma is a fantastic heroine! I mean I am just amazed by her perseverance, strength, endurance, and at the same time of course I am frustrated by her. But that is what kept me reading. She is forever challenging herself, pushing herself to her physical limits. I get the feeling we will see her do the same with her emotional side in the future. Can't wait!

We also see a new side to King Jovan in this book. He is perhaps a lot more intense and sensitive than he can admit to in public, he must always be king first and it is difficult to see where the line is drawn between king and tatuma in regards to their relationship. As the reader I of course want to know more, but the story as it is told by Olina is just perfect.

I am literally on the edge of my seat as I write this, I don't want to give anything away, so let me just say I am super excited for the next book!!

I highly recommend this series to anyone who enjoys a well paced fantasy read with a gutsy heroine unlike anything else out there!! Brava!

notmereadingagain's review against another edition

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I'm going to give this one 3.5 stars.

I loved the first book but this one just didn't excite me as much. I loved the Frost storyline and characters but I also hated some of the decisions that Olina made. Like, girl please just think things through a little more!

As for the "cliffhanger" ending, I was expecting something a lot bigger and more shock-inducing. I feel like if you label the ending as a "cliffhanger" then it needs to be big and this just wasn't it.

I'm still going to pick up the next book, hopefully it will redeem the series for me... We'll see.

natater's review against another edition

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I had no idea that we would end up here but I’m so glad we did. Of all the books in the series, I enjoyed this one the most.

I love a good underdog. When people underestimate a character and they prove their worth? *chefs kiss* and that happens multiple times in this book. I also love the relationships made and the new characters introduced. It really was so fun to read.

babneetg's review against another edition

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The plot of this book is different from the first. There is a new setting and new characters introduced in this book. I loved most of the new characters and hope that we get to see more of them in the next book Olina in the outer rings of Glacium. She has escaped from the castle. Olina spends time in the outer ring and goes by the name frost. She looks for any clues of who killed Kedrick. We get to see more of Olina fighting. She is in in fight tournaments. Olina has changed a lot since the first book. She is not as sheltered and we get to see more of her badass side when she fights. Olina and Jovan are so cute. He cares for her and they tease each other. I love the forbidden love. They are the rulers of two different places that are at war and hate each other. They cannot be together. I love it. I love Jovan so much and they better be together. I got really annoyed that she kept running away tho. In this book she is still trying to find Kedricks killer. There is more romance in this book and I loved it so much. The book ended with a cliffhanger and I need to read the next book. I really liked this book but it was kind of boring during the beginning and some parts in the middle. But overall it was a great book.

baberuga's review against another edition

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You know you're invested in a series if you read two books from it in a day.

Thoughts, spoilers:-

First reread : 30.04.2017

Nothing to add. Except Olandon kind of pisses me off.

First read : 02.05.2016

Olina continues to be awesome and kick ass. I didn't think the story would be as long as it was, I find myself enjoying this book more than the first. I've started around 2, and it's just before midnight. So yeah, I enjoyed myself.

I am still wary against the King. He clearly cares for Olina but the way he's portrayed, his actions just speaks multiple volumes. I wouldn't say he's untrustworthy, just that U don't.

The side characters continues to be the highlights. They were all given great personalities.

I don't know how Ire would play in the upcoming book but I'm interested. Starting this series I hadn't realised it wouldn't be a mere trilogy, but I have opened Pandora's Box and there is no going back. I might take it slow with the last boom currently out but who, I'm not a massive fan of rereading but one might be coming this way.