
After the Internship by Brooke Cumberland

mandy_pandy's review

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I'll be totally honest and say that I was really worried when I saw Brooke was releasing this novella. I was happy with the way The Intern serial ended and I thought a novella after the series could only mean unnecessary drama. I'm so glad I was wrong. Yes, this novella did have a little drama, but only enough that it kept it interesting. It was awesome to get more Ceci and Bentley. I loved this so much! I love the connection and chemistry between these characters. Also, this was HOT! Very, very, very HOT!!! If you loved The Intern, you are going to LOVE this novella!

caiken4's review

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This was a good continuation of their story. I liked that it picks up right after book 3 ends. It was enough to be satisfied with where she leaves the characters without needing more.

tiffanylansaw's review

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Loved it!!!

The books were adorable and bingeworthy I loved them all so much! They were a great sweet read with a few bumps!

heidi_boyles's review

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I love closure and this definitely gave it to me!!! Such a great ending to a great series!!

bookwormlala's review

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2.5 stars

I really wanted to see what happened with Cecelia and Bentley after reading the rest of the stories. I had a few issues with this book:
-cecelia was being unreasonable about being friendly with an ex hookup. If Bentley were in the same situation,, she would have been pissed or at the very least uncomfortable.
- Cecelia was so forward in the other booms and she lost her guts when it came to Bentey's mother taking over her wedding.
- there was entirely TOO MUCH sex. I just skimmed over it because every few pages it would happen and go on and on. It took away from the rest of the problems that were trying to be solved.
- I thought it was silly and kind of messed up how the author tried to redeem Ceclia's father so he wouldnt be a bad guy.

cslats33's review

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So many books I've read in the past 8 months have had a character with cancer. Or I'm just noticing it a lot more. This book was an awesome ending to the series that I finished in like 3 days.

wherescoco's review

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1.5 stars. Storyline had so much potential but Bentley was a complete alpha douchebag, and the (unnecessary?) age difference kind of killed it for me. If she were a few years older, it may have squeezed an extra star out of me, but alas, something about reading these sex scenes featuring an 18 y/o high school girl was weird (and most of the time not even believable).

Bentley’s pretty much the opposite of my idea of a leading man. Cocky, hyper-masculine, overly broody, out-of-touch rich boy snob, and a former MODEL. How many cliches can we fit into one character?

So cringey when he brags about his car or his modeling career. In my opinion, if a significant age difference is a key part of the storyline, I would’ve preferred Bentley be written be more mature.

The whole “jealous lover” trope is also a little played out for me, sadly. I think there’s a fine line between heat-of-passion-possessiveness and just plain ol’ borderline abuse, and it’s all about how well you write your characters. Like, this guy flips out of nowhere at the vaguest mention of a long past ex boyfriend. Mmmmkay not cute, that would be a red flag for me...
Christian Grey you are not, sir.

Also, it pains me to say—this book had too many typos!