
Raise the Red Lantern: Three Novellas by Michael S. Duke, Su Tong

jthhhhhhhh's review against another edition

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Weird, but pretty good. Like most Chinese stories, everybody ends up dying tragically. Hope I didn't give too much away there.

abookishtype's review against another edition

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It isn’t enough to translate Chinese literature into English. The translators do as much as they can to find the right words in English to express the ideas the original author put down, but readers have to be prepared for characters, plots, and references that come from a completely different tradition. I know that I’m missing things when I read Chinese literature. I keep trying, however, because I want to learn more about how people live and think in other parts of the world. I thought about the gaps in my knowledge a lot when I read Red Sorghum, by Mo Yan, and again when I read Raise the Red Lantern, a collection of three novellas by Su Tong (translated by Michael S. Duke). Each time I dive into a work of literature from China, I have to remind myself that the author is playing by different rules...

Read the rest of my review at A Bookish Type.

leialocks's review against another edition

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I'm not sure if I should count this as "read;" I could only get through the first novella which is the reason I picked up the book. I love the movie, Raise the Red Lantern. However, I did not enjoy the novella. I tried with the second one in the collection but found I didn't care to finish. Tong's prose is dark, stark, and brutal which wasn't to my taste. At some points, the descriptions seem only to shock as opposed to move the story. It also seemed like rambling for a good portion. In Raise the Red Lantern, I found Lotus, the main character, much changed from her film counterpart. She was as cruel and vindictive as the other mistresses, which I don't remember from the film. It just didn't engage me as the movie had.

ruthreads's review against another edition

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Country: China

trenton_ross's review against another edition

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This collection was difficult to rate. The title novella was really enjoyable but I rather hated “1934 Escapes” and the final novella “Opium Family” was only passable.

gracieols's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed the entire collection, but must admit that Wives and Concubines was my favorite.

The novella takes place in 1930s China. It follows Lotus after the death of her father and subsequent marriage of convenience. For such a short book, I really loved how rich the story was. I don’t pretend to know much of Chinese history, but I felt that these three stories really gave me a taste for it. I found myself completely drawn in by the characters long after I finished reading their stories.

This is definitely a must-read. It is a relatively short story that could easily be finished in a day, but I suggest taking some time with it and definitely reading it before watching the film (which is also a must-see).

whimsicalmeerkat's review

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I think I will always love the film more, but the novella Raise the Red Lantern is also creepily beautiful. They are eerie in different ways, but both have a similar air. The novella builds a sense of dread in a quiet, yet masterful way. The other two novellas are also good, but neither rises to the level of Raise the Red Lantern.

cindyc3689's review

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Negeri Tiongkok tahun 1930-an. Era yang menurutku sangat tanggung di negara manapun. Sayap-sayap modernisasi sudah mulai merambah masuk tapi kaki-kaki gaya hidup tradisional masih bercokol kuat dan sulit dihilangkan. Inilah yang menjadi setting waktu novela Raise the Red Lantern. Awalnya novela ini berjudul Wives and Concubines yang benar-benar mencerminkan isinya, seorang Tuan Besar memiliki 4 orang istri dalam satu rumah. Tiap malam ia memilih seorang istri yang akan menemaninya sepanjang malam, dan para pelayan akan menyalakan lampion merah di depan kamar sang istri terpilih (dalam filmnya, adegan menyalakan lampion ini amatlah dramatis sehingga mungkin karena itu judul film adaptasi novela ini mengambil judul tersebut, dan bukunya saat mengekor sukses filmnya terbit di Amerika malah mengadopsi judul film itu).

Songlian (dalam buku diterjemahkan Teratai) adalah perempuan 19 tahun yang ayahnya tertimpa sial dan bangkrut bisnisnya. Sang ayah yang tak ingin menanggung malu berlarut malah bunuh diri dan meninggalkan putrinya tanpa perlindungan apa-apa. Dihadapkan pada pilihan hidup sengsara dan bekerja keras atau menjadi istri kesekian dari seorang kaya, Teratai (dengan sadar dan tanpa paksaan apapun) memilih yang kedua. Masuklah ia dalam rumah tangga Chen Zuoqian sebagai istri ke 4 dan harus menghadapi ketiga istri sebelumnya dalam intrik-intrik yang tak terbayangkan olehnya sebelumnya. Istri pertama yang anggun tapi sok kuasa, istri kedua yang super licik dan istri ketiga yang cantik tapi malah kasmaran dengan seorang dokter. Ada pula seorang pelayan muda sok tahu yang tak segan melakukan apapun untuk bertahan di rumah tersebut.

Lika-liku kehidupan rumah tangga tersebut yang dikuak jelas dalam novela ini. Belum cukup tragis keadaan Teratai, ia juga malah jatuh cinta pada putra pertama Tuan Besar, Tuan Muda Chen Feipu... yang meskipun samar-samar diungkap, adalah seorang homoseksual yang sedang menjalin cinta dengan sahabatnya, Tuan Muda Gu. Aih... malang benar hari-hari yang harus dilalui Teratai.

Endingnya, pahit dan membuat depresi. Hyiii... -_____-

Edisi Bahasa Indonesianya ini, aku tidak terlalu suka dengan gaya penerjemahannya. Mungkin karena diterjemahkan dua kali, bahasa mandarin ke inggris, bahasa inggris ke indonesia, beberapa hal jadi terasa janggal. Misalnya tentang penyebutan tahun, beberapa kali dituliskan "penanggalan komariah"..... eeeehhmmm... ya setting di Cina, tapi pakai sebuatan penanggalan komariah, yaaaa gak salah arti juga sih, tapi mungkin lebih umum memakai nama "kalender lunar" atau apa kek. *waktu baca tadi sempat terpikir beberapa hal lain, tapi sekarang lupaaa*

NB. kayaknya buku terbitan Serambi ini harusnya di-separate dari edisi yang lain, karena buku-buku yang lain di sini berisi anthologi 3 novela jadi satu, bukan hanya Raise the Red Lantern saja. Kenapa Serambi cuma menerjemahkan yang ini ya, kok gak sekalian ketiga-tiganya juga?