
The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks

nrl0522's review

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I could not put this book down. If you are looking for a heart warming, emotion tugging story, look no further than The Heart of Baker Bay. Danielle Jacks created a magical place in Clover Bay with descriptions so detailed, I could picture every scene clearly in my head. There are times in our lives where we don’t know we need someone until the universe throws them at us, and that is a lot like Adam and Jody. Both of the characters needed to do some growing in their own way, but couldn’t do it without leaning on one another. This book would make a great feel-good, Romantic Comedy movie!

bwagner's review

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This is not my first book by this author but it is one of my favorites by this author. I enjoyed being pulled into this story by the characters. This is a well written story that I found to be engaging and fast paced. This is a romance story that has characters that pop off the pages and into your heart. They are relatable and just made the story entertaining to read. Jody has come to a new town to help her grandmother but she is not very reliable. Adam wants so much to not like Jody but he finds that he can’t help himself. What will fate have in store for them? Could it have a happy ending? I highly recommend reading this book to find out what happens to these two characters.

penguingirl's review

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This book with the words that leapt off the page, were beyond beautiful with words alone. But to me this book was similar to a beautiful song being played on a piano. It was so easy to get lost in the story, the characters, and the love the book brought to life!

This one had a lot of feelings and emotions brought onto the reader in a good way. It kept you not only interested, but rooting for the main characters Jody and Adam

Both were different but at the same time they were like musical notes that come together and make not only a beautiful song, but also a beautiful melody.

I find what's meant to be always will find its way no matter how much you may pul against the strains of the universe, and that is exactly what happened in this story.

Adam he was a person who strong minded. He had closed his heart off. He had been hurt very badly, so personally I could not blame him for his feelings of not wanting to feel or to trust. Or let alone bring down his walls and allow himself to care, and risk giving the person his heart not knowing if he would get hurt again.

Jody to me made me think at times, was this character secretly based on me? Jody hasn't had a very easy life. She constantly seems to be let down in life be it relationships, jobs, as well as her own happiness. I find she constantly was trying to find herself and most importantly find a place where she belonged. But where did she really? Is that such an easy question for us to have as a goal not knowing how long it would take to achieve?

Jody and Adam meet and spars fly I would say, but their walls push each other away. Jody was different and Adam was very much drawn to her, though he gave himself every excuse in the book to while he shouldn't, but when the heart truly knows, can you do anything really but listen to it?

What I loved about these two was not only how much chemistry they had, but how much they deserved each other. They didn't have an easy life on both their sides. And being together was not as easy as basically black and white. There was some cryptic code and splash of colors swirled together. But, I find as it is with life, in the end if you really want something, you work for it every day. You never stop trying. If you stop you could very well lose it forever. And how could you go on knowing you got a taste of happiness and let it go because you didn't try the amount you had to?

And especially I loved how at the end everything made sense and was a like a big comfortable bed. It was like a painting that was done and you could gaze upon and smile. And feel nothing but true bliss.

The author wrote a truly beautiful novel and I will be looking to read more of their work for sure. I really enjoyed this and made my heart happy and connected all the way reading through.

Highly recommend, read this and let your heart feel things from this beautiful book more than words can say. Remarkable writing would be an understatement.

debrobinson's review

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This book was fantastic. It grabbed my heart from the very beginning. I could really relate to Jody and what she was experiencing by her family, although I had not been fired from many jobs like she was. Jody feels like a screw up and is scared out of wits to take on the Botanical Tearoom café when her grandmother has an injury. This was a heartwarming story and did not disappoint in any way. Danielle Jacks has done it again. Excellent.

aims2read's review

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This was the first book I have read by author Danielle Jacks. I have been rather partial to a few different authors, and it isn’t often that I give another a try, and I am so very happy that I took the chance on her. I’ll admit, I had a lot on my plate when I started reading about Adam and Jody’s love story, what with my daughters 8th birthday, and best friend’s wedding being on the same day, and the travel associated with such, luckily, this book pulled me in. I sat in the hotels Jacuzzi tub and read more than half of this adventure in Baker Bay, though I did look like a prune afterwards, it was worth it!

I fully relate to Jody, as her life reminds me of how mine was not long ago, just a mess, and trying to find my own way. I found it to be easy to slip into the setting of Clover Bay, it felt like a home away from home, with the small village feel and closeness of all the folks you’re introduced to. All in all, I found this love story to give me goosebumps, feel the loss that the main characters go through, or have gone through, and the joy of the friendships and love these two share, for each other, and those in the inner circle. Thank you, Danielle Jacks, for a reason to escape during a hectic weekend. I’ll be coming back for more!

angelahayes's review

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4 Stars

The Heart of Bakers Bay has just become my favourite read by Danielle Jacks. It is all about finding yourself, growth, and family- wrapped up in a sweet small town romance.
Jody’s life is a bit of a mess. She coasts through life one bumble to the next. She can’t seem to hold a job, and if it weren’t for her sister, she would have nowhere to live. Jody has no expectations of herself, no real goals, and her family treat her like a lost hope. Then her grandmother has an accident and next minute Jody finds herself with the task of running her gran’s small town café. Easy peasy, right? Well, not so much.
Adam is a local in town who doesn’t have time for outsiders. And definitely this outsider! Things are definitely about to get interesting…
I loved the growth and development that Jody went through- she really ‘grew up’ over the course of the story. Adam is so sweet, and he surely wasn’t expecting Jody to come bumbling into his life. But they are both tied together in their desire to help someone in need.
A sweet read!

Thank you, Danielle Jacks!

kazbo5771's review

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The Heart Of Baker Bay is a great contemporary romance novel by Danielle Jacks. I have previously read a couple of her books and thoroughly enjoyed them so was looking forward to this one. I’m really glad I chose to read this book as I think this is my favourite of her books that I’ve read so far.
I totally loved Jody as a character. She feels like the black sheep of the family and for once wants to prove that she can make a go of something.
Adam is one of the nicest, sweetest characters that I have read in a long time. I’d love an Adam of my own. He has his own demons to live with that keep him living in the small quiet town of Clover Bay but he has a heart of gold and when he gets to know the real Jody, he wants nothing but the best for her.
I loved Jody and Adam’s story. They seemed like complete opposite when they first met but as time progressed you realise that they are actually very similar in many ways.
I thoroughly enjoyed this story and would definitely recommend it to others.

kirchersmiles's review

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The Heart of Baker Bay by Danielle Jacks

5 Stars

I loved this book! I think my favorite part of the whole concept of this book was that our main female character was not a perfect person that had her whole life figured out and did everything right. This main character was the complete opposite and it was refreshing in a strange kind of way.

I also fell in love with Clover Bay and have it all pictured in my mind and could just imagine visiting and staying in a B&B and enjoying life.

Adam and Jody both had struggles and tried so hard to not connect, but we all know how that works out. The way they complimented each other in their own ways made this such a fun, sweet read. Watching them get past their struggles in life with help from each other was awesome. I laughed, and I definitely got teary eyed a few times.

This was an awesome, quick, one sitting read for me, and the more I read from this author the more I want to read.

I loved it and highly recommend it!

jennadb's review

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Danielle Jacks, The Heart of Baker’s Bay is a sweet contemporary seaside romance. With wonderful characters, a beautiful setting and not to mention the baked goods it is one read you do not want to miss out on. Danielle has written this story beautifully and I cannot find a fault with it. This is one of my favourite books I have read this year. A new town, a new start to help her Gran, Jody finds more than she thought she would ever find. Unfortunately, Adam likes his town just the way it is and outsiders are not welcome. Makes for an interestingly cute read.

rooskie87's review

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I really loved this story as Jody is not the "normal" main character. Shes got flaws and felt more like someone I would be friends with.
I love this authors story telling as you get everything you need and you can just picture everything in your mind like you are there with them.