
Sprinkles of Suspicion by Kim Davis

katreader's review

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The First Cupcake Catering Mystery

Emory Gosser Martinez is a little shocked at the risque outfit her best friend,Tori, gave her, but since it was an early birthday gift she agreed to wear it out for drinks. That was not a good decision. Emory awakes with a massive hangover and no memory of the night before. The nightmare begins as she begins to learn what happened. A cheating husband, incriminating photos, and learning her friend was anything but, is just the beginning. A witnessed brawl and threats all around mean that Emory becomes the prime suspect after she literally stumbles over Tori's murdered body. Certain that the police won't bother searching for another suspect, she decides to see what she can uncover herself. But will she uncover more that she wants to know?

There's not enough buttercream in California to fix the mess Emory's life has become. Just when you think things can't get worse for her...they do! While well written, I found that I didn't like any of the characters...until the very end. Emory is so naive and trusting, as well as klutzy, she comes across as stupid. I'm sure the author intends to have her learn and grow as the series continues, but I think she may have set the starting bar too low! The majority of the other characters are unlikable, especially Emory's mother and sister. As for her husband... a cheating cop with anger issues. Near the end, as Emory finds respite, I finally find a character I love. Tillie steals the show, bringing humor and fun to the book. Hopefully, she's be able to teach Emory a thing or two.

SPRINKLES OF SUSPICION combines worst case scenarios and cupcakes in a complex mystery. Recipes are included and I look forward to reading more of Emory's cocktail cupcake creations. Now, where's my gimlet?

FTC Disclosure – The publisher sent me a digital ARC provided through NetGalley, in the hopes I would review it.

hugbandit7's review

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This new series is just amazing!  I loved every word despite the troubles that Emory finds herself smack dab in the middle, her overbearing and pretentious mother, and the slimeball husband.  So many twists and turns that kept me engaged and hanging on every word wondering what could possibly happen next.  And of course, there is a dog involved, so that is just the icing on the cake...or cupcake.

Emory is a simple, yet complex, character.  She has hopes and dreams for her future but she can be a bit naive.  She has been taken in by her husband and as his deception unfolds and the truth revealed, Emory finds that she is made of stiffer stuff and can weather this change in her life.  I would like to see her challenge her mother a bit more and not just do whatever she says, but at the same time, her mother is able to help her with her employment situation and introduces her to a fantastic character, Tillie.  I think Emory and Tillie will be involved in some crazy capers in future books, much to her mother's chagrin.

The mystery kept me guessing and I honestly was very surprised how this played out.  I never suspected the killer other than thinking this character was a bit odd but no real details to prove up my thoughts.

There is a slew of supporting characters that I look forward to learning more about including a friend from Emory's past, Brad.  There is a lot more to his story and I hope we discover more in the future.  I think he could be a "sidekick" for Emory, but only time will tell.

Very enjoyable new series that checks off all the boxes for me.  There are also many recipes and I might have to give some of the cupcake ones a whirl.  We give this book 5 paws up.

teebeethegreat's review

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Um......I've seen meringues with more substance than this book.

This was a falling souffle from the start, and what's worse I kept reading to see if it got better, and it didn't.

The main character was just terrible. She was all marshmallow fluff. A stiff wind could have blown her over, and in the middle of her crisis her sister is more worried about a dinner party than her sister's marriage falling apart and her best friend being the reason. Seems like no sisterly love lost there.

The plot was all over the place, nothing making sense and nothing landing and making an impact. And just when we get to an actual good plot point WHAM! Cupcake time!! So all the momentum that was built up is lost in an avalanche of sprinkles and frosting.

The only good thing about this book is the baked goods.

meezcarrie's review

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3.5 stars

Sprinkles of Suspicion is an interesting start to a new series – full of yummy baked goods & more than its share of dysfunctional characters. While it does stay true to the cozy mystery formula, I would say it’s a little edgier than most, especially at the beginning.

Our first introduction to Emory is her hungover morning-after (after what she’s not exactly sure) and catching a couple of people umm… in flagrante. Those two people being her husband and best friend (as stated in the blurb, so i’m not giving away anything new). The ultimate betrayal, one would think. But oh no, it gets much worse and poor Emory is flung into a series of events she didn’t ask for. And my goodness but our girl Emory is kind-of a hot mess haha. She’s super naive and frankly clueless for most of the book… and I wanted to shake her more than once and say a) TURN ON YOUR DANG PHONE (lol) and b) just TELL PEOPLE what Tori did to you. Emory kept a lot to herself, not even telling her lawyer all the connections and events that unfolded, and I couldn’t help but think it would have been a lot easier for her if she had. But, I’ll also add that toward the end of the book we see hints that she is finally wising up a bit, finding her voice, and standing up for herself.

I’m still not sure whether I actually like Emory or not but like i said she was growing up – and growing on me – by the end. There weren’t many characters in the book that I actually did like, to be honest. With a couple of notable exceptions – Randall, who brings a dash of romance potential & a whole lot of swooniness, and Tillie. My favorite character is Tillie – she is a hoot and I hope we see a lot more of her in future books. You’re never quite sure what she’s going to do or say next, and her heart is genuine. I loved the role she played in the story, and I look forward to knowing her better as the series progresses.

Bottom Line: This isn’t a typical cozy mystery – it’s a little edgier, for starters, and you might be surprised at how everything gets all tied up – and who does the tying – in the end. The only thing that’s predictable about the plot is that Emory will be a mostly-endearing hot mess in one way or the other, but the other characters aren’t quite as easy to figure out. Just when I had an opinion about them, something happened in the plot to tweak those assumptions a bit. It definitely kept me on my toes and frequently took me by surprise (and made me crave all manner of baked goods haha) – and I will in all likelihood read book 2 just to see what happens next.

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book)

first seen at Reading Is My SuperPower

cservat129's review

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I have found myself a new favorite Cozy sleuth and series.

Sprinkles of Suspicion, Cupcake Catering Mystery Series, Book 1 by Kim Davis, is the first book in this series, and what a great start to a new series. It is no secret that I love Cozy Mysteries and I am always on the hunt for a new series that I can sink my teeth into, well the hunt has ended, I have found myself a new favorite Cozy sleuth and series. Emory Gosser Martinez, with just a glass of chardonnay, has landed herself in the pokey, lost her no-good cheating husband, and her best friend, who was apparently having an affair with Emory's husband.

With a delightful cast of characters and plenty of suspects with twists and turns that I, a seasoned mystery reader, did not see coming, this story had me thoroughly entertained from the very first page. I found myself investigating along with Emory as she continues to make one shocking discovery after the next about her ex-best friend Tory. As Emory's marriage and life unravels she is determined to clear her name and rid herself of her husband who has kept many secrets from Emory.

The recipes included sound yummy and I found myself craving cupcakes and Gimlets. With the shocking conclusion to this delightful new series I am finding myself anticipating the next installment.

This review was originally posted on Cindy’s Book Stacks

morticia32's review

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Book 1 in a new series.

Wow. This book was not for me. I got a few chapters in, and hating the main character, the dead woman and everyone else in the book, I gave up.

*I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book provided to me by the publisher, via NetGalley*

julie7's review

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lighthearted medium-paced


4⭐= Good.
First in this series and introducing female protagonist and her family and friends.
A light-hearted cosy style murder mystery. Nothing offensive and a good summer read. Idea for a pick up/put down read.

sanpadhi's review

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I'm gonna keep this review short and crisp- I hated this book for the most most part.

Enjoyable a bit at the beginning, this book wasted no time into quickly transforming into a train-wreck. The book's plot felt all over the place. Initial joy at the book's plot started turning into frustration. Plot-lines were started and dropped almost abruptly. How did her mum know when she reached home? Suspicious na? Well, no, we're going to leave the suspicion then and there and focus on cupcakes!

The lead character was especially pathetic. How could she be so clueless? Okay, I understand maybe she was clueless about her husband's affair... but clueless about almost everything? You must be kidding me! Regarding her relationship with Randall- no words!

The side characters felt underdeveloped. My only favourite character would probably be the protagonist's sister and her character's writing too wasn't excellently executed, just better than others.

The way in which the killer was revealed felt out-of-place. Like, seriously? The killer himself came to confess to her with the pre-assumption that she must have known something? Then that means the killer is not at all smart which is contrary to the image that was being shown to us since the beginning.

In short, you can say, I had problems with majority of the book.

readingactually's review

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I have found myself a new favorite Cozy sleuth and series.

Sprinkles of Suspicion, Cupcake Catering Mystery Series, Book 1 by Kim Davis, is the first book in this series, and what a great start to a new series. It is no secret that I love Cozy Mysteries and I am always on the hunt for a new series that I can sink my teeth into, well the hunt has ended, I have found myself a new favorite Cozy sleuth and series. Emory Gosser Martinez, with just a glass of chardonnay, has landed herself in the pokey, lost her no-good cheating husband, and her best friend, who was apparently having an affair with Emory's husband.

With a delightful cast of characters and plenty of suspects with twists and turns that I, a seasoned mystery reader, did not see coming, this story had me thoroughly entertained from the very first page. I found myself investigating along with Emory as she continues to make one shocking discovery after the next about her ex-best friend Tory. As Emory's marriage and life unravels she is determined to clear her name and rid herself of her husband who has kept many secrets from Emory.

The recipes included sound yummy and I found myself craving cupcakes and Gimlets. With the shocking conclusion to this delightful new series I am finding myself anticipating the next installment.

This review was originally posted on Cindy’s Book Stacks

mchavarria228's review

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Sprinkles of Suspicion is the first book in Kim Davis’ new cozy series. The book follows cupcake caterer, Emory Martinez, as she finds her husband cheating on her with her best friend, and then stumbles across her best friend’s body. Of course, Emory is the prime suspect in the case.

I think this was a good start to a new series. I like Emory’s character, although she spaces off quite a bit and people have to remind her that they are talking to her, quite often. Also, it seems that when she meets people, they start calling her “Em” right away. I like the name Emory, so it was odd that it was sort of changed so quickly to Em.

I really enjoyed this book. I thought the story line was engaging and kept you wanting to read more. There were so many possible suspects, it was hard to guess which one had murdered her former best friend. I think that the book allows for a lot of possible future story lines and I definitely want to see where Emory’s story will take her.

I received this book in exchange for an honest review.