
Night School by Mari Mancusi

miii_'s review against another edition

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I'm looking forward to write my review! *_*
Because I'm burning inside.
Woah, I really like the serie but let be honest!!!
The book is stupid! Nothing is matching together.
The author should think about her writing skills sometimes...
How can I mix the twilight saga and true blood? If I Am not wrong New Moon --> 2006 and true blood as tv serie should be aired around 2008? So...can't be that the both girls are 17 ...How she mixed everything buffy , true blood, twilight saga they would be around 19~21!
But ok! Thats not much what I point out negative in the book...
At first I truly HATE FAIRIES ! They are the worst fantasy character ever. So everything what I write now is just my subjective opinion!
While reading I thought why...are the guys away? Both sister together is awful..Terrible...So boring to read !
After the two guys are back in the story the whole story went mhm funnier?
But still I hate fairies they're so stupid ...and dumb and...I hate dumb stuff.
So the author underlined my hate, because she descriped them as dumb as I was expecting them to be...awful....
Also how can their Mom not know that her children boyfriends are vampire?
She is a damn fairy...To my opinion if my mum would that be stupid I wouldn't trust her my life in her hands and would stay at a school like this....!
So back to the sister ...truly they are often not like there character should be...often they are so immature that its not realstic how mature they are sometimes. I started to laugh when Rainey cared of colbin ( was that his name? I remember names badly) like as he would be child...To be honest she is more like the true child.
Also the boyfriends are so stupid if I would be over thousandth years old I would not trust an immature 17 year old girl.
I would have killed Colbin , because what is his use? Or maybe they could have blackmailed him...No, they let it end how the end is going to be ( in my opinion really unrealistic how the story went ) ...but Margnus told Rainey they going to kill him if he wants to stake someone but he is angry that Rainey bites him after he nearly killed Rainey and because of the fight he was full of blood?! Sorry, I don't think Rainey needs rehab I think the author need realstic thinking or maybe she should remember what she wrote some pages before. Truly I gave the other books REALLY good ratings and I criticized less!
For me I knew that the blood coven serie wouldn't be perfect and I haven't aspected much. I knew I was not reading one of the best books in the world. But to be honest everyone can let the story be a bit realstic. I don't want much realstic, because its still a fantasy book. But even if its a fantasy book no one can write a fantasy book without realistic moments. So Magnus should have scolded Jareth that he turned him, because as he said the guy is going to be killed if he wants to kill some vampire. Or both are vampires and if I remember right Colbind has various cuts so how should Rainey have resists if its her nature? It's not that she just was hungry and take a bite...
Thats why I only gave 2 starts.
My first intention was to give 3,but to be honest I haven't liked the stupid idea of story in the book or I've liked how the author described the characters of the book.
Truly I gave two stars, because at the end the book was quite funny and I always thought Tinkerbell is a bitch when I was young.
So is there still anything to say? I hope that the six book lets me feel better...besides I think book 8 is going to have only one star, because as I wrote in my first review of the serie I hate if problems are delayed in a book, because at the end the problems are coming back and everything is going to be unrealistic. Also without to solve the problems a happy ending would be impossible, so nerve-wracking the problem is coming back and every reader thinks:'' why I read book 2 until 7 ? 1 and 8 would have been enough!'' .

End....Sorry for my harsh review...Just my opinion and every fairy lover sorry too but I never liked fairies...

briarsreviews's review

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Night School is another hit by Mari Mancusi that will leave you hooked and breathless.

So we've seen vampires, and we've seen lycan...but can you believe that Mari Mancusi added in another magical creature? Yup. She did! Fairies! When I initially read these books when they came out, I'll admit I didn't like the fairies that were added. But now, as an adult who constantly sees giant film and book universes I understand the need for such an addition - and it does, oddly, work!! I think it's a cute addition, and I would like to see Mari build more into these ideas in future installments.

Rayne is our lead in this book, and her sassiness is there (as always). And, as always, this book is fast paced and kept me interested. Plus, on top of it all, Mari tops her plot lines and goes a little crazier. She always seems to know how to go bigger and better.

One thing I really like about these books is Mari seems to understand that it can be lengthy between the times you read her books - so she summarizes what happened last. In the first couple books it annoyed me (because I was reading them back to back) but when I realized that there is typically a wait in between and you might forget what our heroines were up to, then I was all on board! If this is something you don't like, you can always skip!! But I think this is a nice addition that'll help readers out.

I did have an issue with this book - we've grown to love Jareth and Magnus so much, and they weren't in this book as much as I would like. Yes, they weren't integral to the story but it was a shame to pick up this book and not have some epic storylines with them. They were still there, but not as much as they could have been.

Five out of five stars.

lauraliofficial's review

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I'm obsessed with this book. The story is amazing and the whole time exciting. I would recommend this book to everyone who also loves fantasy!

fauningoverbooks's review

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Absolutely Hilarious

zinamae's review

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I started this series with book 5 but didn't feel like I was lost. Was easy to catch up. Good story with fae and vampires. Witty writing and feel like you are right in the story and could be friends with the characters. Will definitely start the series from the beginning.

rayne's review

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Ok - mix up humans, vampires, slayers and faeries and what do you have? The McDonald twins. I didn't think this would work but somehow it did. What's with the cliffhanger endings!!! Now onto the next one...

dtaylorbooks's review

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I've read this series in what is probably the most schizophrenic way possible, and mostly not on purpose. The first three I read out of order simply because I didn't know their order and apparently my ability to Google failed me. I skipped the fourth one because it was a Sunny POV and she's not my favorite head to dwell in. BUT based on the excerpt at the end of NIGHT SCHOOL I may be willing to pick up the next one. She appears to have matured and her voice doesn't sound so insipid anymore. And because I adore Mari, and we do have that Lost Boys bond, I may just do it for her.

Anyway NIGHT SCHOOL was a great addition to the whole BLOOD COVEN series and even though I didn't read BAD BLOOD I didn't feel like I was missing out on much. There were some allusions to events in that book at the beginning that I was a little lost on but they didn't play too much of a role in the bigger plot so they were easy to get over. Rayne is still Rayne, Sunny is still Sunny and the shenanigans are still shenanigans. And I'm glad.

Overall the plot is pretty silly but it's silly in the way that Supernatural is silly. Yeah, there are some serious moments but they're surrounded by sometimes absolutely outrageous things that even the characters are going WTF? You know, like when Sam and Dean came in contact with the faeries in Season 6 and Dean was all like, nipples?

Yeah, it's like that. It's a silly story but it knows its silly and that's why its so great. Rayne and Sunny get their butts handed to them by faeries and the faeries are so freaking ridiculous that you can't help but laugh. And Rayne's inability to get Apple Pancake's (Apple Cider? Crisp?) name right just tickled me the right way every time. If NIGHT SCHOOL were trying to take itself seriously it'd completely lose its charm. It strikes a good balance between the insanity and the serious just enough to get its point across but keep it a totally entertaining read at the same time. Rayne's need to feed? Serious. Disney World? Not so much. Read it to get what I'm talking about.

Oh, did I mention it mocks TWILIGHT? Yeah, it does that too. You'll have to read it to pick up the references. I won't spoil that fun for you! A giggle-filled word search!

There are just so many things right with Mari's work that it's hard to pick up on anything that's wrong. If you haven't read any of the BLOOD COVEN books yet, I highly recommend you do. Don't judge them by their covers and think they blend in with your Blue Bloods or Coffin Kisses or whatever else is out there. BLOOD COVEN, and its latest release, NIGHT SCHOOL, stand so far out from the rest that their covers should light up and poof out pink sparkles. Because it would make Rayne go insane and I like it when she gets cranky about pink and glitter. It amuses me. I'll even tell you to read the Sunny POV stories too, just to get the whole story. I'm seriously considering going back to read BAD BLOOD just to fill myself in. Really, Sunny isn't THAT bad. Most of the time.

neoday_cyj99's review

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Aunque pasan muchas cosas serias y hay muchos momentos donde los personajes compartían cosas de su pasado o tenían momentos de dificultad, no podía tomarlos en serio. No me malinterpreten, el libro es muy entretenido y me gusta mucho, pero el nivel de absurdo que maneja es demasiado para tomar las cosas que estan supuestas a ser ¨profundas¨ de forma seria.

Por otro lado, pienso que la escritora ha hecho un trabajo genial con la creación de este mundo, es como si se estuviera burlando de todas las historias de fantasía, pero al mismo tiempo utilizándolas de forma muy astuta dentro de sus historia. Ahora con ese cliffhanger al final no sé ya que esperar para los siguientes libros. Este libro no ha sido mi favorito, pero el nivel de estrés que maneja y la capacidad de sorprender a los lectores conforme vas pasando los capítulos es suficiente para no soltar el libro.
En mi caso como lo disfrute en audiolibro, y no me gusta esta sentada simplemente escuchando, me ponía a limpiar, a lavar los trastes solo para continuar escuchando. En ciertos momentos como la situación estaba tan peliaguda tenía que dejar de escuchar por un momento para poder respirar un poquito. Así que tomando en cuenta todo eso, creo que ha sido, hasta ahora, una serie que he disfrutado bastante y con la que me he reído a carcajadas. Estoy emocionada por lo que pueda venir a continuación...

mandiileexx's review

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god i love this book series its amazing

cant wait to get 'Blood Ties' its going to be awessoommmeee :)

alishmariet's review

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Plot: I had to read this after reading Blood Ties because it came in afterwards. I'm partly glad I read this, so I'm caught up with the series, but I also think I didn't need to read it. I felt that this installment wasn't the best out of the rest of the series. The plot was kind of made up on the spot. I could understand why Rayne should go to Riverdale, but it was weird how Sunny had to go to. Sunny isn't a vampire slayer, so why couldn't she just go to another private school or a public school in a foreign country? It seemed unnecessary for them to go to a school to go into hiding. Along with that, the romance between Corbin and Rayne was confusing. It seemed like they both had feelings for each other, but then Rayne mentions that it is because of feeding off of him. So, I wasn't sure whether or not Corbin feelings were true and why did she like him if she knew the reason to his behavior? Plus, I have to mention the fae names and world. It was cliche and I wish it was a little more mythical and not Disney-ish.

Characters: Rayne - She was the narrator for this installment. I do like her POV's because it's a little less slang oriented. However, her's has less romance in it this time around. She would mention Jared and Corbin, but it wasn't a priority for her, which made me doubt how strongly she felt for Jared. She said she loves him but it's hard to see when they're together. But, I do love how determined she is and that she thinks logically to get out of situations.

Sunny - When one twin is narrating, it seems like they're distant from the other twin, but yet they say they're close. Rayne doesn't have a clue what's going on with Sunny and I didn't like Sunny a lot of times in here. She was whiny or confused; it was hard to find her likable.

Cover: The girl is perfect for Rayne. It has her blue eyes and dark hair. It's very simple, but pretty. I love the new covers for this series.

Overall Rating: I have to give this book a two out of four. I didn't like this installment and couldn't get into it. I'm hoping that the seventh one will involve more romance and drama like they usually do. This one wasn't the best and since I read Blood Ties and then read this, I didn't really need to read this. I do love this series and will continue, but I wasn't happy this book at all.

Peace and Fangs,