
More Than This by Jay McLean

moonchild720's review against another edition

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This story frustrated me. I thought that the whole story was pretty dramatic and unrealistic. I really couldn't get into the story or characters because I just couldn't connect to any part of the plot or characters on any level. It was also extremely off putting the amount of jealousy that was in this relationship. I felt both characters were way to jealous and intense with someone that they just met. And after every little thing instead of communicating with each other they went into fits of rage or just started crying.

I didn't really enjoy the writing in this book either. I felt like a lot of the conversations just seemed so unrealistic to me. There wasn't any part of this book that really got me on a personal level. I just wasn't a fan.

camibookish's review against another edition

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Wow, what a rollearcoaster!
I have some conflicted feelings toward this book. I more than a lot like it! See what I did there? But it whas a little bit of insta love for such a young age and I don't really think I believed in finding your true love so young *Snorts* Who am I kidding? I actually don't really believe in true love
But this story had lows and highs and beautiful moments and so I would definitely want to read the next one in the series!

purging's review against another edition

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jaimeedarling's review against another edition

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I honestly don't know what to say.
I just hate this author's writing style.
The characters have the sexual maturity of college students, but the mental maturity of fifth graders getting into their first 'real' relationship.

Spoilers ahead, babes...

I get the girl has issues, but she can't claim this guy as hers, get mad if he gives anyone else attention, and say they're still not in a relationship.
Girl... you're in a relationship.
You can call it whatever you want, but 'nothing' isn't an option.

And oh my gosh, are we supposed to feel bad about the cheating ex-boyfriend? THAT WANTED TO MARRY HER OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL?
You obviously didn't love her that much, or you wouldn't have cheated on her for TWO FULL YEARS with her BEST FRIEND.

On another note, can we talk about how screwy the plot is?
In the space of a day, this girl discovers her cheating boyfriend and best friend, makes a giant group of new friends, and her family is murdered???
In one day?
It's called pacing yourself, Miss. McLean.
She rushed so many parts (like the disastrous beginning), and then had weird time cuts like... oh 6 six months later. Nothing has changed, we're just in college now. Like... what?
And then the original best friend just goes off the deep end. Like... SHE'S the reason her whole family is dead?? I thought it was just a really dumb plot twist that everyone kind of saw coming. And she had like, no character development. Probably because she was the moving plot point at the beginning and then completely ignored until the last 10 pages of the book.

On a completely unrelated note, can I just say? Parents don't act/talk like this.
"They're adults, they know what they're doing", like, I get they're 18 and seniors in high school, but actual parents would still parent the shit out of their kids, lol.

I'll probably give the next book in the series a chance, simply because the characters will be older and hopefully less childish, but I don't have much hope for this author to redeem herself in my eyes. The plot seemed cutesy enough at first, but I can't get over how poorly written the whole book is.

octopusgarden's review against another edition

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It hurts to write this review, this book just hurt. I loved it all the same, but it was overall just a really hard read.
I fucking hate Megan, I just wanted to express that. Like a lot. She was a sick bitch, and I just..
And tbh, I hated James too. There is no excuse, at all.
Wow, this.. This was an interesting read at 4 in the morning.

sly99's review against another edition

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Shitty book

sailorsweetheart's review against another edition

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"More Than This" had me hooked right from the start. I stumbled across the series while browsing Goodreads. I had no expectations on it, just figured it was another young adult romance book that would make me smile. Oh how I was wrong. Not only did this book make me smile, but I cried, I hurt with the characters, I laughed with them, I felt everything they felt. I read this book in less than 24 hours. I would have read it in one sitting had I been able to. I did not want to put it down!

I genuinely felt like I could connect with Mikayla. Though the things that happened to us are different, I finally felt like someone, anyone understood what it was like to feel so alone, to worry about relying on one single person, to be afraid it may be "too soon" to fall in love with someone after tragedy struck.

Let's be honest, Jake is totally book boyfriend goals. He is kind, generous (okay maybe a bit to generous in reality, I mean who brings some random girl home to live with his family after knowing her less than 24 hours?), and so loving. The fact that he was so patient with Mikayla just made my heart flutter. So so sweet.

I loved being able to learn a bit more about the friends too. The whole group is amazing and just from the dialog they had, it made me want to hear all of their stories as well. It was so moving how quickly the whole group of friends took in Mikayla in and was there for her through the tragedy she faced.

Overall, I fully recommend this book, and the entire series in fact.

dinx219's review against another edition

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I liked parts of this and cringed at parts too. I feel like a lot of the story was a little too over the top and unbelievable, which made it hard to really love. I get that it's fiction, but I also have to believe the story is at least plausible and I couldn't do that with this one.

Jake and Mikayla were cute together in many instances, but they flip-flopped a great deal with their jealousy and insta love. They were both really immature in how they handled a lot of their emotions with each other. And there was way too much flirting with them being intimate and then calling it off at the last minute. I just didn't buy that given that neither of them were virgins and they were both over 18.

All in all, I liked it. Maybe the rest of the series will be better since those books are about different characters who have different stories.

tinalynn510's review against another edition

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I'm not sure what to think right now.

That last paragraph.


Let me start of by saying that I have heard nothing but great things about this series. I was so excited to jump into this book, because of that, and almost immediately I was a bit shocked. Not so much in a good way.

The events that happen in the first 10-15% of this book were so crazy and drama filled. It is almost to the point of being unrealistic. Then in the rest of the first half of the book, everything just worked out perfectly for the "new couple." We can't do this for her, so you'll have to do it Jake, or yes, Mikayla, you can stay here forever and we don't care if you are sleeping in the same bed as Jake. That was a bit annoying, and unbelievable too. YET, I did relate to the couples feelings towards each other, and their tension. The tension in this book is CRAZY good.

Now, the jealousy and self doubt that seemed to pop up constantly and out of no where, was a bit much for me. It was a bit over the top, and made me want to smack them around a bit. I also thought the ending seemed rushed, which is one of my biggest pet peeves in books. We are spending all this time in the story to get to the ending, so why rush the best parts? Then throw in the extra bits of drama in the end, that I didn't think were necessary at all to the story and you get some more eye rolling from me.

BUT that ending was definitely a good one. I didn't see that last paragraph coming at all. Made me feel for Logan way more than I had. It kind of made reading the book worth it.

In the end, I was happy they got their Happily Ever After, well at least for now. Lucy and Logan have a soft spot in my heart. Loved their characters. I even enjoyed Jake, even though it was a bit over the top in a lot of areas.

And I will continue on with the series.

lucija_le's review against another edition

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4.5/5 stars