
Spoiled by Heather Cocks, Jessica Morgan

stephhreads's review

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Spoiled surprised me. It did.

I didn't expect much from it, and I read it just for the entertainment value ("for the giggles"). It starts off with plenty of name-dropping, pop culture references, cliché situations and cliché characters. The plot isn't extremely deep or intricate and is pretty straightforward and classic for anything of this particular subdivision of YA. But it surprised me.

I was expecting something of a very shallow, light read, full of cattiness and brand names. Spoiled is a light read, but once you get past all the celebrity and brand names and the plot begins to move along, it gets a lot more into the emotions and mindsets of the two main characters than expected. It's nice to see the dynamic between the sisters and how they learn to live and deal with each other. Both characters have their extremely annoying moments, but in the end, I actually sort of like them. Or at least empathize with them on some level.

The one thing I really like about this book is that it isn't about a romance. I love my romances, but sometimes contemporary romances, or just all romances in general get a bit tiring. This book is pretty much solely about the relationships within a family--mainly between the two sisters, but also touching on their relationships with their parents and how it has affected them.

Overall, Spoiled is a rather fun, fluffy read. It's mildly entertaining and doesn't force you to think or feel too much.

3.5 stars

1tiffani1's review

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This book was hilarious! I loved it, very funny. Loved the 'product placement' in the book. I seriously cannot wait to read the sequel-there better be a sequel!

sarahjanet's review against another edition

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Generally, when I hear "the perfect beach read!" I roll my eyes and move along. I hate superficial books like the Shopaholic series and Gossip Girl - not because they're superficial, necessarily, but because everyone in the damn books is SUCH AN ASSHOLE.

Now, let's be honest here, I would have read this book regardless, because I love Go Fug Yourself and Heather and Jessica. (Insert brief aside about back in the days of yore on the internet where we all knew everyone and snarked the good snark over Dawson's Creek and ER.)

But I did not expect to love this book as much as I did. Sure, it's fluffy and the perfect beach read, but it also has likeable, well-developed characters. It has a storyline you actually get invested in. And above it all, it is HILARIOUS. Full of shout-outs to the adults reading (Ms. Chanandaler Bong! Awesome. The line about terrible teen movies that are secretly awesome? Even better.) but without the undercurrents of questionable content that would make you feel awkward about giving it to an actual teenager.

This is fluffy YA lit at its finest. (A book about well-off teenagers in LA that doesn't make you hate everyone involved? Thumbs up!)

marisajean's review

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I really enjoyed this book! It was better than i thought it would be. At the beginning i HATED Brooke but then as the book goes on i ended up loving her! I really liked Molly for the whole book except at the end she made me mad that she didn't believe but probably only because I saw Brooke's thoughts too, but if I were Molly i wouldn't believe Brooke either. Over all this is a really great book. I hope there is a sequeal!!

rachelini's review

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Fluffy and entertaining and nothing more than that. Some of the entertainment definitely came from the fact that it was the Fug Girls who wrote it - you could see the years of celeb watching behind the writing.

cabonin's review

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A charming, entertaining, and utterly predictable confection from some of my favorite bloggers.

jazzmatazdanger's review

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Decent for what it was.

mariannika's review

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Equally sweet and snarky, a fun, quick, perfect-for-summer read!

saracorise's review

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Review first posted at:

Sometimes all a girl needs in life is a nice easy read. Something that doesn't take a lot of thought when reading it. Something that will make you laugh and roll your eyes at it's content. Something that you can get lost in while you're reading, but have no problem putting down when you need to. That is exactly what I got out of the debut novel by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan, Spoiled. I enjoyed reading this novel; about a sixteen year old girl-Molly- who finds out that her dad is a mega super star and after the death of her mother, she decides to go and live with him and his other daughter. Spoiled tells of her adventures in this new land of papporazzi, and mean girls.

This was a fluff novel. When I say that I mean, and novel that doesn't have a whole lot of substance. That isn't the nicest thing to say, but it's the truth. I liked this book, will I remember it in a couple of weeks? No. I barely remember it now. I do know that it didn't take me long to read, and that it did make me laugh. The world that Cocks and Morgan created was so ludicris. The portrait they paint of Hollywood society is so out of this world, that I had to roll my eyes at their drama. Sometimes less is more. I loss a sense of reality while reading this book, and sometimes is wasn't in a good way. Specifically with the ridiculous demands that the rich and famous make. The Girls' father Brick, was out of this world insane. Kind of funny when you think of it, but it was slightly over the top. I should mention that Cocks and Morgan could have done a better job with the end. It kind of just cut off, without any sort of resolution.

The characters were funny though, if not a little annoying. The situations were a little grating. But overall, I liked Molly and I liked Bridget. However, they weren't anything special.

That's the thing with this book, there was nothing overly special about it. It was all just Meh. Meh characters, meh writing. But at the same time, it was exactly what I needed. I wasn't bored. The rich and famous have always intrigued me. So I think when it comes to Spoiled, I am indifferent.

quietjenn's review

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3 1/2. Exactly what I would've expected a YA novel from the fug girls to be. And I mean that in the best possible way.