
Fly with Me by Chanel Cleeton

kk7's review

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It took me a little while to get into the story as I am not much of a love at first sight kinda girl. I also thought the ending felt unfinished.
Spoiler when you are selling your business, getting married in secret, moving to a different country and leaving your family have to flesh that out! It should not end at the secret wedding.

mistysreads's review

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U.S. Air Force fighter pilot, Noah "Burn" Miller and Jordan Callahan were drawn to each other from across the dance floor, it was like they were tethered together and the magnets were too strong for them to fight. Even though they lived in different states they made their long distance relationship work the best they could.

"Promise me, we'll make this work."
"I promise."

Not only did they not want to be apart anymore, even with Noah's new orders they had no idea how they were going to be able to make it work. Noah asks her to marry him before he leaves for his next training exercise, and while they love each other, he wanted to make sure he was what she wanted. So he tells her that maybe they need to spend some time apart. The military world was new to Jordan, but she quickly realized that while relationships are hard, being in love with a military man was even harder.

It was hard enough being away from Noah for a month and a half, it was even harder when tragedy strikes. She will never be able to get the memory out of her mind of hearing the words, "there's been a crash." The tragedy allowed Jordan to realize that while she was afraid of letting her self fall, she didn't want to always be safe and have the net at the bottom to catch her. She wanted Noah more. So whatever life brought, even if she ended up losing him in the end she wanted him over everything else. Chupacabra is a man she can't ignore, even with his sexy swagger turning her world upside down.

Oh wow! What a story! I laughed, cried, smiled, and felt joy with these characters. When I say I cried, I don't mean I just teared up, nope, I ugly cried. I'm still trying to figure out where I put those extra tissues. This was the first book I have read by this author and I can't wait to read more especially of this series. I can't wait for Thor and Easy to get their books, especially Easy. One of my favorite phrases was, "Game on, fighter boy." The one conversation that sticks with me is the conversation between Dani and Jordan and how she needs to be strong for her husband everyday and not let him go to work thinking about a fight or what's going on at home, but thinking solely on flying because the slightest mistake can be the difference between life and death. Chanel brings forth the love and dedication military wives feel for their husbands, but also the difficulties and fear they face everyday. These are women that deserve our respect as much as their warrior husbands. This was a phenomenal book and one that I highly recommend.

Received ARC in exchange for honest review from NetGalley and Berkley Publishing

michalice's review against another edition

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I'd been eyeing up the third book in this series on NetGalley, and although it could be read as a stand alone I like to read in order. When the author contacted me in regards to reviewing it, with the option to review the previous two books in the series I jumped at the chance. After finishing my current read at the time I made a start on Fly With Me.

Fly With Me is a book that interested me immediately. The protagonist is at a bachelorette party for her sister and she describes herself as curvy and not so petite, I instantly loved how she had confidence in herself and wasn't afraid to use her assets to her advantage. Picking up random strangers isn't my kind of thing, but for Jordan this is the perfect chance for her to find her mythical man. Someone who she is convinced doesn't exist.

And then there was the urban legend, Chupacabra-like myth of a man who would f**k you up against a wall while he pulled your hair and then spoon you to sleep after.

Noah is this man, and I wasn't really sure what I thought of him on the initial introduction. He makes it clear he is trying to hook up for fun, but he wasn't expecting the feisty, stubborn Jordan to put a halt to this plans. Noah, a fighter pilot, isn't scared of a little hard work, and he is determined to work his charm on Jordan. But pretty soon this couple have mutual feelings for each other, and decided to see where it goes, even though they live in different states.

Fly With Me is a book that took a couple of days for me to finish, but given the chance I would have had it read in a day. I fell into the world Chanel has created very easily, I love the mix of characters and environments that we get to read about, from the beaches of Florida, to Bryer Air Force Base in Oklahoma. I loved that we get to see two sides to this story and what the other person is feeling about this new relationship. We get to see the ups and downs, and the self doubt make an appearance. There was someone who I didn't really connect with immediately, Easy came across as very standoffish, like he felt he was better than the others and not worthy of thier time, but as we get to know him we see whats really going on, and once that was revealed my opinion completely changed about him and I did feel sorry for him.

Seeing how hard it was for Jordan and Noah to make this relationship work makes me thankful that I didn't have to go through this in my own relationship, but it also attests to how strong thier feelings are. I knew going into Fly With Me there would be more books, but I made a point of not looking at them too much so I didn't spoil the surprise of what was to come, and believe me what a surprise it was. When it happens I was not expecting it at all, and I had to re-read the sentences again to make sure I read it correctly, I sobbed my heart out, the horrible crying with tears and snot, and it took a while to calm myself down enough to be able to read the book again, and just when I thought it was safe I was crying again.

Final Verdict
Fly With Me took me on an adventure I'll never forget, and I am looking forward to diving into the next installment soon.

caseroo7's review against another edition

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Find this review and more at Ramblings From This Chick

I couldn't wait to read Fly With Me by Chanel Cleeton after I first saw the cover and blurb. This one had so much that drew me in, and I just love military romance stories. There is just something irresistibly sexy about a man in uniform. This book was so good, and I couldn't put it down. I am already excited for the next book in this series, and I cannot wait to read more about these sexy fighter pilots!

While in Vegas for her little sister's bachelorette party, the last thing that Jordan expects is to meet a guy. She has a great life and owns a successful clothing business with her best friend. But the second she lays eyes on Noah Miller, it just reinforces the fact that she doesn't have love. Noah was in Vegas for work, but as soon as he saw Jordan he knew he would stop at nothing to make her his. But when it is time for them to leave and return to their homes (his in Oklahoma and hers in Florida), both of them want to see where things between them go and are willing to take a chance on a long distance relationship. But with not only distance between them, but also Noah's dangerous job, can they possibly find a way to make something work?

I really loved both Noah and Jordan. These two were amazing together right from the start, with such strong chemistry between them. The sparks were flying from the second they laid eyes on each other and I couldn't get enough of them. I really loved that they were so open with each other though, and even though things were new for them they were able to talk to each other about all that they were going through. These two had so much that could stand in their way, so it was so refreshing to see such great communication between them. Noah was sexy and confident, and so passionate about his job and Jordan. Jordan was smart and sweet, and I loved how strong she was. She was so different than other heroines I have read before, and it was nice to see a woman that could miss her man without turning into a whiny and annoying brat. I just really loved both of these characters so much, and I had such a great time reading this book.

Not only did I love Jordan and Noah, but I also loved the secondary characters as well. I am so excited to get to know these guys better as the series progresses and I am looking forward to Thor's book next. I have to say that I was really hoping for Easy's book after reading Fly With Me, but after everything that happened here I can see that it might take awhile to get his book. Hopefully we won't have to wait too long though, as I know there is so much more to his character and I cannot wait to see beneath the surface with him. I will say that this one would have been a five star read for me had it not been for the ending. It was rushed and really abrupt feeling, and while it was nice I just didn't feel like it did this story justice. It seemed as though the author just kind of ran out of steam and ended the book, and I would have loved to have been given a bit more. Knowing that the series will continue with interconnected characters, I am hoping we get to see more of Noah and Jordan. But I felt like even though things ended on a good spot here that there were still several things kind of up in the air that I would have liked to have seen dealt with. Overall though, this was a really good story and I had a great time reading it. I definitely recommend it, and I can't wait for the next one.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

readfrenzy's review against another edition

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Once upon a time I read every military romance I could get my hands on. After finishing several series, I moved on to other genres. Chanel Cleeton is a new-to-me author, and based on my friend Eliza’s recommendation, I decided to dip my toes back into the military romance pool with the Wild Aces series. I’m so glad I read Fly With Me because it reminded me of why I enjoy this trope so much.

Let’s see, you’ve got a badass alpha male with a heart of gold in Noah “Burn” Miller. He’s an Air Force fighter pilot devoted to serving his country. While steadily working his way up the ranks, he’s also teaching young pilots. If you swooned over Tom Cruise in Top Gun you’ll love Noah even more. He’s got confidence without the arrogance. At the same time, while he’s not a commitment-phobe, he does have some insecurities regarding relationships that ring true.

One staple of military romance novels that I love is a tough heroine. Jordan is a self-assured bombshell with a wicked sense of humor and a spine of steel. Perpetually single at 30, she’s sick of hearing the When are you going to settle down with a nice guy? crap from her family. Jordan has just about given up on finding the right guy, but she refuses to settle. A chance encounter with Noah in Las Vegas drastically changes the course of both their lives.

Jordan and Noah move from lust to love at warp speed, but I appreciated that they don’t dance around the hardships of being involved with someone in the Air Force. I was drawn to Noah’s affectionate and protective nature. I loved their banter, and I definitely wasn’t hating on the heat between them.

Chanel Cleeton has created a diverse cast of intriguing characters, and I’m looking forward to learning more about them in future books.

Recommended for fans of:
Military romance
Top Gun
Sweet alpha males

Reading Frenzy Book Blog

aralston08's review

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I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Once again Chanel Cleeton has provided readers with a fun, sexy, and emotional story. As a fan of Cleeton's previous series, I was pretty excited to see what The Wild Aces series had in store for readers. Jordan and Noah did not disappoint me. Fly With Me was a wonderful mix of heartwarming and heartbreaking moments.

Jordan is in Vegas for her little sister's bachelorette party. Thirty and feeling perpetually single, she's ready to let loose and have some fun with the girls. She isn't planning to meet anyone but she wouldn't deny breaking her dry spell. Noah is in town for business and would like nothing more than to crash after a long day flying. However, his squadron has other plans. Noah, in an attempt to keep his friends in line, heads out to take on the Vegas nightlife. It's clear that Vegas has big plans for Jordan and Noah and soon the two meet. It's clear from the beginning that there's an undeniable attraction between them. This begs the question, is one night enough?

"I didn't believe in love at first sight, but lust at first sight? That was a thing definitely happening all over my body tonight."

I'm not always a huge fan of books that feature "lust at first sight." Often, the "connection" between the characters is superficial at best and doesn't feel very organic to me. However, Noah and Jordan's chemistry was palpable. Beyond that, it was clear that their personalities were compatible. I really enjoyed watching the two get to know each other over the course of the story.

Noah and Jordan faced a lot of obstacles throughout the story. Besides living states away from each other, Noah's grueling schedule was the most problematic. Noah is used to women walking away from him due to his inability to keep dates, attend important life events, and most importantly always putting the military first. Jordan has never experienced the military life. It's overwhelming and a little terrifying for her and it all boils down to one question, can Jordan cope with Noah's lifestyle? It was clear that Cleeton wrote this book from experience. The frustration and heartache experienced by both Jordan and Noah was so real.

I found that Fly With Me really covered the whole gamut of emotions. During the high moments I was laughing out loud and smiling like crazy but at the low points my heart felt like it was squeezed in a vise. This book will definitely appeal to fans of Top Gun and military romances! Chanel Cleeton has knack for writing engaging stories filled with witty characters, leaving readers wanting more.

Read this and other reviews at Teacups and Bookends Blog.

scvallese1's review against another edition

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Overall, a very enjoyable book! It was a little slow in the beginning, but once it picked up, it was hard to put down. I'm excited for the next book (Into the Blue), but really can't wait for the third book about Easy!

bandherbooks's review

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i'm just so glad Mel recc'ed this series to me! it was the perfect thing to fill my need for fuckboi flyboy fighter jet pilots post-top gun maverick and miles teller mustache thirst. there's even a mustache scene *evil laugh*

give me a flight suit and a cocky pilot any day of the week, the heart and loins want what they want.