
Touch of Red, Volume 12 by Laura Griffin

labraden's review

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Fingerprint expert at the Delphi Center, Brooke Porter, becomes obsessed with a case when she discovers the fingerprints of child that is somewhere between 9 and 12 years old, who she believes witnessed the brutal murder of a young woman as she was coming home from work. Homicide detective, Sean Byrne tries to warn Brooke off the case because of the danger she is putting herself in, but her desire to find the young witness and pursue the killer impacts his ability to make her understand that her interference in the investigation could actually hurt the case once a suspect has been identified.
Touch of Red is similar to other stories in the Tracers Series in that it includes lots of forensic details and evidence that are clearly explained and fit well into the story being told. However, the mystery doesn't really become clear until the end of the story. The characters of Brooke and Sean are underdeveloped making it difficult for the reader to empathize with their emotions. A good Tracers story, but not the best in the series.

thebookdisciple's review

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Touch of Red is a murder mystery woven into a love story. Brooke is a crime scene tech and Sean is a detective. Their jobs have them crossing paths occasionally and Sean has always been attracted to Brooke. On their current case, Brooke takes a very special interest and this pushes her and Sean to work closely together. Brook is attracted to Sean as well but she is on a diet....a man-free diet!

Brooke's ex is a controlling jerk who happens to be a cop as well. He is struggling to accept that the relationship is over despite Brooke's repeated insistence it is, in fact, VERY over. She also doesn't want to admit that she can't handle this. Her track record with men is not good and she is embarrassed that she made such a colossal mistake in dating this guy. Sean picks up on  the issues Brooke is having and won't let her brush it off as if its nothing.

And all this happens while Brooke and Sean are attempting to find a missing witness that could solve a strange case with seemingly no motive. The murder mystery is one of the things I love most about the Tracers series! Griffin writes great mysteries that you have to peel back in layers. She mixes it well with the budding romance and adds just the right touch of steamy scenes! Touch of Red is perfect for those of us who like real mystery and suspense with our steamy love stories! While I appreciated the steaminess between these 2, I did feel that the romance left something to be desired. I am just not sure I believe these two could make it long term.


  • POV: 3rd

  • Tears: no

  • Trope: murder mystery, coworkers (kind of)

  • Triggers: [spoiler]Brooke is being stalked by her ex which could be upsetting for some readers[/spoiler]

  • Series/Standalone: stand alone within an interconnected series

  • Cliffhanger: [spoiler]no[/spoiler]

  • HEA: [spoiler]more of an HFN; no epilogue[/spoiler]


Books by Toni Anderson, Kaylea Cross, Karen Rose...then you will probably like Touch of Red!


Touch of Red

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jaclynder's review

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Laura Griffin has found a winning formula with her Tracers series, and the latest is no exception. Touch of Red is a fast-paced romantic suspense that I read in one sitting. Characters from previous books make cameo appearances, but the main plot is driven by crime scene investigator, Brooke Porter and homicide detective, Sean Byrne. The two have been crossing paths frequently, but when Brooke gets more embroiled in the case of a murdered woman than she should, the two are given the chance to grow closer. Yes, this formula has been used in the previous books in the series, but it just works.

The mystery was compelling and it was balanced well with the romance between Brooke and Sean. There was also more meat to their romance than the crime; both characters had their hang-ups, more so with Brooke, which added some complexity to the romance instead of it becoming a superficial aspect of the mystery. The mystery itself evolved into something that became rather dark and heartbreaking, again demonstrating that Griffin pushes past the formulaic to something with more meat, which will appeal to the mystery readers out there.

Touch of Red is another excellent addition to Griffin's series and its clear that there's lots of life left for future books (hopefully a lot of them).

*Review copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley.

beckymmoe's review

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I really enjoyed Sean and Brooke's story, as I had hoped I would from the teaser excerpt at the end of [b:Cover of Night|34214666|Cover of Night (Alpha Crew, #3)|Laura Griffin||55264449]. The crime was horrifying, and the methods and techniques that Brooke and Sean used to solve the crime kept my interest--and really made me think about the legality of some of the new technology used today (one method was particularly iffy on the legal side, but pointed them in the right direction...that makes it okay...right?)

I loved Brooke's dedication to her job, but she did act a bit tv/movie heroine-ish at times, making a few questionable choices that moved the case along but put herself or others in danger...still not 100% how I feel about that aspect. Sean is a fantastic hero, full stop, and together they are a great couple.

The next book's pair are heavily hinted at in this one--can't wait to find out more about them! (Can't--but I will. Sigh.)

Rating: 4 1/2 stars / A-

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

lauraanne9's review

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***ARC Provided by the Author and Publisher via NetGalley***

4.5 Stars

Laura Griffin has a talent with romantic suspense. The balance of the suspense elements and the romance work in such a way that they feel totally natural, like they are actually two people who have met through work and are attracted to one another.

Sean and Brooke see each other at crime scenes and work situations. She works as a CSI and he is a homicide detective, and the fact that they are both in the same world, so to speak, makes their reactions seem realistic. Would they be able to put the things they see during the day behind them? Well, to a certain extent, doing this is a part of their jobs, so when they put it aside for the romantic portions of the story, it feels real as you believe the transition.

The romance isn't the focus of the story, but the balance is such that you are invested in the relationship and in the case they are trying to solve. The tension given to the relationship through the tension of the case is also, as always, compelling.

Laura Griffin is a favorite of mine, as I know that when I pick up one of her stories, I will get a believable romantic suspense in which I can invest in the romance and in the suspense.

I recommend this title.

elfstone's review

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The "Tracer" series is one of my favorite series for hot romance and for suspenseful thrillers. I was overjoyed when netgalley provided me with an ARC for book #12, Touch of Red. In exchange, I'm to write an honest review. For transparency, I would rate the earlier books in this series more of a 3 rather than a 4. Laura Griffin's writing about action and police procedures has become tighter and more engaging as the series has progressed. It makes me happy that this book grabbed me from the very start because of the tension and horror at the crime scene, and I could not put this book down until it was finished. I did sleep a short while one night, but otherwise this book was consumed in less than 2 days. Touch of Red definitely warrants a 4 star rating.

Action centers around Brooke and Sean. Brooke is four months out of an unhealthy, emotionally abusive relationship, and her "diet" consists of no men. However, the attraction between Brooke and Sean has been felt by both of them for awhile. Laura Griffin always writes steamy scenes of magnetism as well as any of my favorite romance authors, and she delivers exceedingly well in Touch of Red.

Another area where Laura Griffin writes well is in depicting violence, so this is not the book for you if your imagination is vivid but doesn't tolerate inhumanity and blood. As I've read all twelve books in the series, you can tell that I'm okay with a dash of brutality sprinkled into my reading life!

If you've read other books in the series, you will love Touch of Red. If you have never read Laura Griffin but enjoy a book with romance and action, you can give this book a try and then start at the beginning of the series. It's guaranteed that you will enjoy this latest book from Laura Griffin!

clak5686's review

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I really enjoyed the main characters in this one! Sean is such a great guy. I love the things he learned when he was shot and how that and his rehabilitation changed him. I also respect the author for showing how Brooke's recent relationship affected her. As usual the crime and solving were well done. Another great entry in this series.