
The Legend by Dylan Allen

nadine_booklover's review

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4.5 stars

"Every time we kiss, I feel weightless. Like if he wasn't holding onto me, I'd defy gravity and fly away."

After reading The Legacy I was so damn curious about Remi and his lost love which made me so excited for The Legend. And I must say, Dylan Allen delivered once again a story that warms your heart, has your heart in knots, breaks it and puts it back together even more beautifully.

"She's a siren whose call is pitched perfectly for me."

Remi and Kal are so wonderful together! I loved how this book started and showed us how the young love blossomed over one summer. I fell for both and I fell hard. And so my heart broke in thousand pieces, when Remi broke Kal's heart. The angst that was woven into the pages turned this cute beautiful young love into an angsty page-turner. Those star-crossed lovers make your pulse race with hope and wishes on how everything should turn out.

"Even in the ways that we are flawed, we are each other's perfects."

The Legend is a beautiful second chance romance about two star-crossed lovers that pulls all your emotional strings. A story about love, loss and a happily ever after that makes you swoon along every line.

Let me close this review with this beautiful quote right from the beginning of the book, which is also the perfect description for The Legend:
"The Legend is a love story. But it's also a cautionary tale. It tells you to love deeply, believe in happily ever after, but don't try to live anyone's life but your own. That will be your undoing. All legends are lies. Make your own truth"

olovesbooks's review

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Remington Wilde will be the death of me

Remington is the exact man you would want your daughter to bring home. Like every human, he has his flaws, but NOT MANY.

Kal? This girl is exactly what you want from the heroine. She is strong, attentive, and loving.

They are the definition of “If you love something let it go. If it comes back, they are really yours. If not, they were never yours to begin with.” THE DEFINITION. Their love is one for the ages.

Beautiful story. Dylan has a way with words that make you feel every emotion and feeling that the character is feeling. Heartbreak, pain, love—everything.

caseroo7's review

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I really liked Remi and Kal. Such a strong connection and chemistry between them. I thought it was a great story, but the book could use some editing. Still really enjoyed it though.

gabbysreading's review

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3.5 stars

neshaisabookworms_book_review's review

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I won an ARC of this book in a readers group and I fell in love! This is the first book I’ve read by Dylan Allen and y’all it was amazing! Very well written, beautiful writing style, the story and the characters are deep and keeps you in. The romance sucks you in and next thing you know you’ve read the entire book in one day! I can’t wait to read more from this author!

stormiclouds's review

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The Legend is another great read from Dylan Allen. It was a bit of a slow start for me, but I'm so glad I stuck with it because the romance picked up and I devoured the second half of the book! I can't wait to read Jezebel and find out more about Reagan!

mrsjhelms9910reader's review

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Omg i loved Remi just as much as i thought i would. I loved how he never stopped loving her. So so great.

profromance's review

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So what is a legend? In one instance, a legend is a mythological story caught in the annals of time, morphing and revising over time. In other ways, a legend is a person, built so high above a pedestal of other’s expectations. And in other instances, a legend is a fairy tale people construct to deepen the meaning of a simple story, replete with villains and saviors. Dylan Allen’s The Legend holds all of these legends as it tells the twenty year second-chance love story of Kal and Remi.

It is a story of a Houston enclave built on the mythology of the intersection of two families, the Rivers and the Wildes.

It is a story of Remi and Kal, one known as The Legend and other known as the muse to The Legend.

Most importantly, it is a fairy tale of a soul-deep love between two people whose love morphs and grows and fills each other’s lives.

Above all else, this is the story of learning to love yourself deeply and accepting truth over the legend you’ve been told.

This story is angsty. There were many times when I had to push through the story because I knew the reward would be greater than the heart-pounding, gut-wrenching story. There were many, many moments like this in The Legend. If you love that soul-churning type of story, this is your book. The story twists through the legend of the Rivers and Wilde families. When you think you have everything figured out, you come to the end of a chapter, recognizing there is much more to know. The Legend offers some resolution to the story started in the first book in the Rivers Wilde series, The Legacy, so it feels complete…until the end when Dylan Allen hits you with the premise for the next book, The Jezebel (yes, it is already on my TBR on GoodReads).

Kal and Remi are a special couple. Yes, I fell in love with Hayes and Confidence in the first book, but my heart connected more with Kal and Remi, especially Remi. I think I see myself in his character a bit. Like Remi, my biological father left my life when I was young, never to return. This laid a heavy burden on me, unknown in my childhood. I didn’t feel it until adulthood. Missing out on understanding how a parent turns away from their child changes your heart, adding a scar where it was broken. When certain realizations come to Remi, and he finds truth outside of the legend of his father, he is more whole than ever before. And in that moment, I empathized with him. I felt his truth and wished it was my own.

There is something incredibly special about Dylan Allen’s stories. She has this way about crafting story and characters that grab your heart. She makes me want to know them in real life.

When we leave this book, the legends of this book have been re-written, overlaid with the truth. That truth is no legend can live up to the truth of a soul-deep love.

Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

bibliophile90's review

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**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**


4.25 stars

When I met Remi in the first book, I totally fell in love with him. After seeing that his story was a second-chance romance, it heightened my excitement even more. The Legend is a beautiful and sexy contemporary romance about characters who are from different worlds but fit so perfectly together. The chemistry between Remi and Kal was smoking hot and I really felt their passion. The first half of the book takes place in the past when they first met. I loved that the author decided to tell it in one big piece instead of inserting flashbacks every few chapters. This helps me in understanding the dynamics of their relationship. However, I felt like that some scenes were cut short. This confused me a time or two because I was expecting the scene to continue but it then moved on to the next day or week. And I know that the author can't go into too much detail otherwise the book probably would've been twice the size. But I just couldn't get enough of the characters and story.

"She's got a wildness in her that's contagious. Her imagination is full of magic that's more than a cheap trick of the eye and she's got a beauty so distinctive that I know I could travel the whole world and not find anyone who reminds me of her."

For me in regards to second-chance romances, I really want the biggest piece of the book to take place in present time, to fully develop the growth of the characters as a couple. That was my biggest issue with this book. Instead of fully concentrating on their relationship, Remi was more focused on solving a family mystery. Don't get me wrong, the twists regarding the family was, like the previous book, a very pleasant and intriguing part of the story. However, I wanted Remi and Kal to have more time together. I loved the maturity of how they handled things and the passion between them was amazing. I loved how they met and how their relationship came into existence, and how the respect and love for each other never went away. Remi is definitely a swoon-worthy book boyfriend. I absolutely love Dylan's writing and her characters are seriously the best. I feel a strong connection to them, and I always end up not wanting the story to end.

readers_together's review against another edition

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You know how sometimes you’re so excited for a book that in the back of your mind you’re a little nervous that it’ll be a letdown? Not that you doubt the author will write a great story, but that you just expect so much that it’s hard for anyone to be able to fully compete with your expectations? Dylan Allen not only met but exceeded my expectations with The Legend. This book is everything I could have hoped and imagined and then some. When we first met Remington Wilde in The Legacy I was intrigued and wanted to know more about him. I even went as far as to say he was going to be my new book boyfriend. I knew I loved him and wanted his story. Well, Dylan didn’t make me wait long and she didn’t disappoint. Remi and Kal’s story is one of the best second chance romances I have EVER read. It is full of intrigue and heartbreak and beauty. I highlighted so many of their moments. True love really is worth a million chances and they prove that to us throughout this book.

The Legend is spectacularly written. Dylan Allen intricately weaves love, emotion, lies, intrigue, heartbreak and sex throughout this book that it is a beauty to behold. As I read and saw layers of the story unfold before my eyes I was captivated by the depth and beauty of it. It was messy love. It was a disaster waiting to happen. And each time I thought I had a handle on it, on my emotions, something else would happen…another layer would be revealed and I’d be left reeling. And it all comes together so seamlessly, that once it’s over, I was left smiling at the utter perfection that was this story. How invested I was in this world and these characters and wanting to dive right back in again. Now that’s not to say it was easy. It was not easy. I shouted, a lot, I cursed even more. So many curse words! I laughed out loud. I imagined high-fiving and fist-pumping character, as well as throat-punching…I’m talking serious, hold a girl back, I’m about to cause bodily harm. I also cried. I stayed up late into the early hours because I couldn't put it down. My heart wasn’t sure it could take the beating it was being handed, but IT WAS WORTH IT. I love that an author can evoke such visceral reactions from me with their words.

I think the length of their story, the time it covered worked fantastically. Like with Envy, we got to experience, rather than just be told what their history entailed, and I will always champion that because I think it gives the reader an insight and connection to each character that they might not have gotten without it…at least, not as deep a connection. I feel, anyway. One of the things that I truly adored about this story is that it was all about timing. Things had to happen the way they did for them to appreciate what their love was. It involved a lot of heartache for them both and I hate that they both had to experience so much of it, but it made them who they are today and realise that true love can and will outlast and conquer anything else. I want more. I know, I know, I’m selfish but I’d totally be down for a novella - let me see them living their happily ever after. I just love this couple so much. I didn’t want to leave them. I’m not opposed to begging.

Remi was everything I could have hoped for. He was smooth…well, at least he thought he was LOL. He was sweet and caring and he loved so deeply, how could anyone not fall head over heels for him? And that mouth? Oh, my days! Who knew he had that sexy, bossy, dirtiness hidden away. (Raises hand!) Kalilah Greer is everything. You know, I am super hard on my heroines. They have to work hard to win me over, I dunno why, I just am. I need them to be amazing, I need to connect with them on a level. Dylan has yet to write a heroine that I don’t fall for. Kal is vulnerable, yet strong. She has this resilience to her that has to be respected. She’s experienced so much, yet her heart is still open. Even when she is beaten down, she gets right back up and does what she must. And I just loved that about her. I may have disagreed with some of her decisions…maybe just one of them, but I understood it. I respected her need for it. She’s the type of woman I could imagine being friends with. The type of person I’d want in my life. Their connection and chemistry was off the charts. From sweet to downright dirty. I was with them and I swooned. Hard. I fell hard, and I never stopped. Remi has game…but, Kal was never that to him and I think that’s why this love was so captivating. This cover, sigh, this cover is so them. It screams Remi and Kal. Their passion and love and struggles just shine through on this image. I cannot wait to get my hands on the paperback.

I love Rivers Wilde and I still want to move there. I know a bookstore that could hire me. I'd be an awesome employee...just saying!