
Ad Astra: The 50th Anniversary SFWA Cookbook by Fran Wilde, Cat Rambo

lorialdenholuta's review

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I couldn't resist a cookbook featuring some of my favorite authors! I read it through to familiarize myself with the recipes (in hopes that recipes might leap to mind for future cooking projects). There's a wide variety of food and drink to choose from, plus, since these are science fiction writers, plenty of amusement. It was a delightful read and I look forward to bringing these dishes to life in my kitchen.

jonmhansen's review

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Hungry now.

sergejglockner's review

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I expected more spoof recipes but it turns out they're all solid.

greymalkin's review

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A fun read! I love reading cookbooks anyway and this one was full of stories and amusing recipes. Reminded me of the delightful [b:Nanny Ogg's Cookbook: A Useful and Improving Almanack of Information Including Astonishing Recipes from Terry Pratchett's Discworld|34509|Nanny Ogg's Cookbook A Useful and Improving Almanack of Information Including Astonishing Recipes from Terry Pratchett's Discworld|Terry Pratchett||592520] but since each recipe was a different author, you got a range of humor and style. I also enjoyed learning little tidbits about authors I have read but knew next to nothing about personally. And some of the recipes I really want to try!