
Story Thieves by James Riley

brent_y's review against another edition

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Great premise, just was hoping for better story I guess.

artmajorese's review

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Too predictable for me. Kids might like it though. 

rikerandom's review against another edition

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An sich wirklich nicht schlecht, aber es wollte einfach nicht Klick machen - 3-4 Sterne

James Rileys Fantasyabenteuer "Weltenspringer" kommt mit einer Idee daher, die mich sofort begeistern konnte: Ganz ähnlich den Buchspringern in Mechtild Gläsers gleichnamigen Roman kann auch Bethany aus diesem Roman in Bücher eintauchen - und nimmt Klassenkamerad Owen mit in seinen Lieblingsroman. Das ist allerdings auch schon alles, was die beiden Romane gemeinsam haben, denn obwohl ich mir einiges von James Rileys Geschichte erhofft hatte, konnte sie mich nicht so richtig begeistern.

Das lag vor allem an den Charakteren. Denn Owen, der Protagonist, ist mir von Anfang an nicht gerade positiv aufgefallen. Er ist gerade zu Beginn der Handlung eigentlich nur weinerlich und nörgelt über jede noch so belanglose Kleinigkeit. Dass er dazu noch sehr ich-bezogen ist, macht die ganze Sache nicht besser. Auch die halbfiktive Bethany ist alles andere als sympathisch, sie hat mich ein wenig an Hermine Granger ganz zu Beginn der Harry Potter Romane erinnert, als sie noch die überkorrekte und sterbenslangweilige Streberin war.

An sich wäre das ja gar nicht tragisch, denn ich habe eigentlich nichts gegen unsympathische Figuren, solang sie trotzdem gut gemacht sind, d.h. aus glaubwürdigen Motivationen heraus handeln, sich im Laufe der Geschichte angemessen und realistisch weiterentwickeln und es irgendwas an ihnen gibt, das sie interessant macht. Leider ist gerade der Punkt mit der Entwicklung bei Owen und Bethany nicht allzu ausgereift bzw. allzu gut umgesetzt - Owen entwickelt sich viel zu langsam und Bethanys Entwicklung kommt viel zu plötzlich.

Auch mit der Handlung von "Weltenspringer" bin ich nicht wirklich warm geworden, was natürlich nicht zuletzt an meinen Problemen mit den Charakteren lag. Allerdings fand ich die Handlung auch so etwas chaotisch, der Roman ist für meinen Geschmack mit beinahe schon etwas zu vielen Plotelementen vollgestopft - und viel zu vielen Robotern? Ich denke, wenn ich größeres Interesse am Schicksal von Owen und Bethany gehabt hätte, hätte mich auch die Handlung eher fesseln können.

Alles in allem war "Weltenspringer" von James Riley einfach nicht mein Ding. Der Roman kommt mit einer wirklich vielversprechenden Prämisse daher, da ich aber einfach nichts mit den Charakteren anfangen konnte, wollte es auch sonst nicht so recht Klick machen. Dass man dem Buch klar anmerkt, dass es lediglich die Exposition für eine Reihe ist, macht die Sache auch nicht besser. Schade, mein Fall war es nicht, aber für jüngere Leser, die auf Roboter und Magie stehen, könnte es was sein ;)

jasinkwangya's review against another edition

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got bored. i might pick the series up again in the future. but rn, it didnt interest me.

michellehenriereads's review against another edition

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I read Half Upon A Time fairly recently with my youngest son. It was such a fun quirky tale, I had to read another story by the same author.

Story Thieves has elements I love to see in middle-grade fiction. It is fun, has over-the-top characters, crazy inexplicable situations, and a quick pace.

Who wouldn't want to jump into stories? Especially when life is humdrum. After reading about Bethany getting to eat some of the chocolate from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when the Oompa Loompas weren't looking, I had to go find my secret stash of chocolate to console myself that I couldn't jump into books. Owen had a better solution - possibly blackmail - or at least the power of persuasion to get inside a book. 

Owen specifically LIES and wants to get into his favorite book to save his favorite character, which he does with disastrous results.

The fictional character, within the already fictional world, Kiel is hilarious. He is always winking and saying pithy things that don't really mean anything but to him they change the world. Eventually, even Bethany find him fun and charming. The Magister is the opposite side of fun because we love to hate him. The clear cut lines of good and evil in this book work really well for the campy humor. Until...the line is blurred. The Magister has a heart to heart with Merlin and Bethany and then all the stops are out. What will he really do? 

Chasing. If I described the pacing it would be chasing. They are chasing in and out of books, leaping and hiding. Bad guys chase them. They chase away the bad guys. Yep. Chasing covers the fast-paced action. When travel by book is made possible, count me in. And what would happen if you could have superpowers written into you? WEll, to find out more you will have to read the story.

To end this review, I am going to tell you a secret. One of my favorite parts is when Bethany explains to the Magister why we read books. She tells him it isn't because we want a cheap thrill (she may have said that a little differently) but because we want to be with them, the characters in their world. We read because we want to experience another life. I thought it was a poignant moment amongst all the craziness of the fun story. Will kids get it? Maybe not, but that's okay because they've enjoyed the world they stepped into with Story Thieves.

By the end, Owen thought he was ready for boring, normal day living - after all surely, true life isn't as strange as fiction. But...

bookmarvel's review against another edition

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I thought I had read this book before, but I forgot how it ended. A must read for anyone who loves books and wishes they could meet their favorite characters.

cozycat's review against another edition

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Yall, this story is amazing and you have to read it !

christieb123's review against another edition

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3.5 stars. Fun middle grade read and idea of jumping in and out of books.

jac12's review against another edition

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I was super excited when this came to me at the library I work at and I was super excited to finally be able to read it...I was totally no disappointed by this work at all. I would have read it faster if you know I wasn't a college student and had a stupid amount of school work to do...but anyway. this is the first James Riley book I have ever read and now I am going to have to start the Half Upon a Time books here soon! I loved all the characters so much in the book, I didn't get to attached to them, like I do with most books I love. I loved the ending I thought it was fantastic and I loved all the little shout outs to all the other books, especially the part where he basically called himself out I laughed for like five minutes in the lounge at my work. So I can't wait to see if Owen, Bethany, and Kiel/Kyle go on more adventures! <3