
Outlive Your Life: You Were Made to Make a Difference by Max Lucado

debs4jc's review against another edition

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Lucado's premise is that as Christians, we can do things in the service of God that enable us to outlive our life. As an opening illustration, he tells the story of a visitor to an isolated island community who is surprised to see it thriving when every nearby community is doing poorly. The islanders credit a religious figure as the reason they are doing so well. The visitor demands to meet this man--but is baffled when he is taken to thriving fisheries, a beautiful chapel, etc. The villager explain that the man is dead and no longer with them...but he lives on in the things he taught them and the good works he left behind. Such inspiration fills this entire book, and with Lucado's wonderful gift for storytelling it is an easy listen.

marieeya's review against another edition

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God did it again; He did it again through Max Lucado. He stirred my soul. Reading this was like God is saying, "See? I made you for something more. You were made to make a difference. Every day you can outlive your life."
When God says, "You can," you can. When He says, "You're able," you are. All that's left for you to do is to obey. The difference you were made to make starts when you obey. And when you do, back it up with unshakeable faith in the power of God. See then what wonders God can do with and through you.

jessacohen's review against another edition

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This is the latest book I received to review. I've always enjoyed Max Lucado's writing and this is one more book to add to the list of his books I'd recommend that you read. It's a fairly quick read with a thought-provoking message. You Matter. The things that you do can have a profound impact, even if you think you are only one person. Each chapter is filled with ecouragement about living your life to its fullest potential and some ideas of ways to use your skills, talents, and resources for things bigger than yourself.

I think this book is a great place to start if you are feeling called or challenged to do more with your life. I've recently read some other books that carry the same theme but delve a little deeper into this idea of loving and serving others well - whether that be your neighbor next door or a child in Africa battling disease and poverty. I also think this would make a great small group book as the chapters are small and incite good discussion.

I received a copy of this book from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review; the opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

crysrowe's review against another edition

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I've read several books by Max Lucado and always find his books to be easy to read. Many times I have theological differences with his books, but am always able to find some nuggets of truth. This book was a refreshing read. Filled with stories of how ordinary people have made a difference in the world, this book inspires and challenges us all to truly live as Christ lived.

Max ends the book with a perfect summary:

None of us can help everyone. But all of us can help someone. And when we help them, we serve Jesus. Who would want to miss a chance to do that?

This would be a great book to use as a small group study for any age group - especially a group that is struggling with how to make their faith matter in the ever-increasingly materialistic society that we live in.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

lizzybd's review against another edition

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What can one person do to show the love of Christ to others? Max Lucado offers quite a few ways in this book and how one person can make a huge difference in this depraved world.

ancamaria_'s review against another edition

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Compré el libro hace un tiempo ya, así que se me había olvidado realmente de que iba (y además tengo la mala costumbre de no leerme el resumen de los libros) así que iba sin expectativas y he de decir que me ha asombrado para bien!!
El libro gira en torno al llamamiento que hace Jesús de servirnos los unos a los otros y, en especial, a los más pobres. Además hace mucho hincapié en la importancia de la oración y de encomendar a Dios todo aquello que hacemos.
Lucado pone varios ejemplos reales de cómo Dios ha obrado en la vida de otras personas a través de creyentes y cómo podemos ser un impacto en la vida de otros a través de pequeños y simples gestos. También recoge varios datos sobre el mundo en el que vivimos actualmente (por ejemplo, la cantidad de niños huérfanos, o el número de personas viviendo en pobreza) dando a entender que hacer algo bueno por alguien es mucho más fácil de lo que pensamos.
La manera de escribir de Max Lucado es simple, lo que hace que sea una lectura ligera y fácil de entender. El único punto negativo que le encuentro es que hay ocasiones en las que algunas “bromas” las encuentro un poco prescindibles.

avolyn's review against another edition

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This book is a great introduction to what is at the heart of Christian faith and that is being the good news for others who are less fortunate than ourselves. Even though this book has many good attributes and I found myself highlighting plenty of text, it still seemed to only skim the surface. It is a great book and one that many Christians need to read but having already read 'The Hole in our Gospel' and other books about being the blessing to the rest of the world and caring for others as Jesus intended us to, I felt like I didn't gain much from it.

So if you are new to this idea of what the bible says about giving to others then you will surely enjoy this book. If you have read some I would recommend a more comprehensive book such as 'The Hole in our Gospel' because this may prove to be more of a beginners guide to you.

chantelreadsallday's review against another edition

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This book was amazing. It motivated me to actually DO things instead of just thinking about them!

holtfan's review against another edition

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Similar to Do Hard Things, though in my opinion, not as good. That might have something to do with the fact that I am just about to old for it xD Still, very good, very inspiration, highly reccomended for younger kids.

godsdanceralwayz's review against another edition

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Max Lucado’s Outlive Your Life is a study on Acts unlike any other I’ve seen. Lucado challenges the reader to take after the example of the early church we read about in Acts and get up and make a difference in the world around us for the Lord. Each chapter starts with a scripture verse and ends with one along with a prayer. At the end of the book you’ll find a discussion and action guide that has suggestions to take action that are both reasonable and impactful. Our world is a distant one covered with a façade, we are called to have compassion on this world, to not just see those in need, but to really see the heart of them and to take compassion on them. To use those action words. We really should live in a way that we would be proud if our great-great-great-grandchildren heard about how we responded to the world around us. In a way that we will be excited when the Lord holds are actions accountable to us, to have confidence that we made our Daddy proud! This book has truly challenged me in the way I respond to those around me, especially to those I may not be particularly fond of.

**I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.**