novellearts's profile picture

They don't have anything marked as 'currently reading'.

Mainly reads fiction books that are dark, mysterious, and tense.

Typically chooses medium-paced books that are 300-499 pages long.

To-Read Pile
5 starstar iconreads


2025 Reading Goal

400 books

21% (83 books)

2025 Pages Goal

100,000 pages

22% (83 books), 21,881 pages

2025 Hours Goal

300 hours

50% (83 books), 148.62 hours

Hosted challenges
Reading Challenge Books

9 prompts | 6 participants | 62 books added

Tackle Your Horror TBR

40 books | 11 participants

Tackle My Physical TBR

55 prompts | 27 participants | 505 books added

Bookshelf TBR

53 prompts | 38 participants | 708 books added