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Plants, poisons, and poultices
Hosted by chaos_positive
Take the time to learn about the plants and natural world around you. It can be about how the natural world works or it’s how medicine comes from plants or how the growing green things can kill… whatever floats you boat and gets you thinking mo...
1 prompt | 1 participant | 13 books added
100 non-fiction reading challenge
Hosted by yxvandoolu
I tend not to read enough non-fiction. So I have challenged myself to read 100 books. Feel free to join the challenge with me, maybe we can inspire each other with interesting titles we didn’t know existed. Number: 100 non-fiction booksDates: R...
100 books | 2 participants
2025 Morbidly Curious Book Club Reading Challenge
Hosted by themorbidlycuriousbookclub
Welcome to the Morbidly Curious Book Club Non Fiction reading list for 2025!
12 books | 58 participants
Read Trans History
Hosted by readingpicnic
Books on trans*, gender non-conforming, and gender expansive history, including complicated and messy gender possibilities. We have always been here.
21 books | 5 participants
All About Canada
Hosted by islandbird13
A wide range of non-fiction books all about Canada including general history, Indigenous peoples/relations, Racism, LGBTQ+, climate, immigration, and politics.
30 books | 3 participants