A review by theunlibrary
The Light at the Bottom of the World by London Shah


The Light at the Bottom of the World is a book with a lot of heart, and a sensitive one at that. I found Leyla to be a wonderful main character; she was strong, determined, and so very afraid of the world around her, but that never stopped her from following her heart and doing what needed to be done. In a world full of strong female characters, there seems to be a lack of characters who are on the softer side of strong, more resilient and determined than battle ready and punching faces in, which I found refreshing. It's also full of much needed representation. Leyla is a British Muslim girl who believes. She believes in hope, in a world that has continually lied to her and let her down, in the people around her to do the right thing, in God, in herself (though she struggles with her fear and anxiety) and it is that quality, that steady belief, that sees her through her challenges. After her Papa is falsely accused of a crime and taken away by the authorities, she will stop at nothing to find out what happened and get him back. You can't help but feel for her as you watch her risk everything to save the ones she loves.

Also of note is the unique setting, taking place in a post-apocalyptic scenario where the human race was forced under water after an asteroid hit. It's wonderfully imaginative with its descriptions of sea life and futuristic technology designed to help humans adapt to their new home. In an effort to assist humans with the aftermath and rebuilding, they've created Anthropoids who are humans enhanced with technology meant to help clear the debris post asteroid, only they've turned against those who created them without any explanation and the government is doing little to actually help their citizens-- too obsessed with returning back to the surface in a world they can't let go.

The Light at the Bottom of the World takes you on a non-stop adventure with some of the best companions, including a holographic, flamboyant, popular literary figure, a puppy, a girl who is desperate to save her family, and the boy who keeps secrets while keeping her safe. You will laugh, you will cry, you will soar and ache and love, but most of all, you will believe. And that in itself, is a very specific and powerful sort of magic.