A review by bookishends
Some Other Now by Sarah Everett


Some Other Now was easily one of my favorite books I’ve read this year. It’s impossible for me to distill all my emotions and thoughts easily into a review, but I shall attempt. I live for heartbreak, drama, and a dual timeline, so this kind of book is my bread and butter. I was emotionally wrung out and devastated by the time I finished, but so wished that I could read it again for the first time. There truly wasn’t a dry eye to be found by the time I got to the end. I enjoyed the way information was teased enough for the reader to piece things together early on, but that we still had to wait for the reveals to happen. While the plot was captivating in itself, I really fell in love with the characters. Jessi was so insecure about her place in the Cohen family in the Then and heavily struggled with guilt in the Now. Mel was imperfect but so full of love. Luke and Rowan were like two sides of a coin, never able to see eye to eye but forged from the same material. I loved them both in different ways. Although Luke definitely knew how to cut a person down, and I found myself saying ouch so many times after he said something to Jessi. Naomi was extremely messy and Willow was extremely real. This story felt like something I’d read before, like a Jenny Han or Sarah Dessen or other contemporary hard hitter, which made me enjoy it even more. Overall, I can’t say enough good things about this book and am making sure to buy a physical copy because I need it on my shelves now.

*Thanks to the publisher for the ARC. All opinions are my own*