A review by rmtbray
How to Develop Emotional Health by Oliver James


James' description of "emotional health" certainly sounds appealing, although I think "emotional hygiene" rather than health may have been a more accurate (but less catchy) title - it's more to do with understanding and knowing how to deal with your emotions, good and bad, rather than always having "healthy" emotions.

What I didn't agree with, however, was his premise for how to reach emotional health - searching through your early life (mostly pre-5ish) to work out what your parents / carers did to mess you up... This is all done from the point of view of looking backwards to your own childhood, but thank god I'm not reading this as a soon to be parent, because implication of this is that if you are not a stay at home, fully loving and 100% present mother, your child is f*cked for life... Oh joy.