A review by usako
Of Ice and Shadows by Audrey Coulthurst


My first thought reading this was "what a bold and brave choice on the author's part to have the main couple go their separate ways in order to find themselves and figure out what they really want." And then disappointment sunk in when at the end of the book, nothing changed.

I found Denna's behavior throughout the book frankly appalling. The way she treated Mare was inexcusable, especially when Mare had every right and every reason to feel the way she did. And then to have Mare be the one to apologize to Denna and to not have any of their issues addressed was so frustrating. They ended the book exactly how they started it. With no direction and no sense of who they are as individuals. But hey, Denna now has some sort of control over her powers (and the voice of the dragon queen in her head manipulating her every thought!) and Mare knows how to fight with a sword. So I'm sure they're going to be just fine...