A review by kalona
My Anxiety Handbook: Getting Back on Track by Bridie Gallagher, Sue Knowles, Phoebe McEwen


I think that "My Anxiety Handbook" will be a very handy book for any teenager who suffers from Anxiety. As aimed at young adults as well I think this book might be trying to cover a bit too much ground. Anxiety in young teenagers will be quite different from Anxiety in a late teens, beginning of twenties somethings. 
That aside I think this book is interesting enough, that it will draw in anyone who struggles with anxiety, simply because it provides you with a tool belt to deal with your anxieties. Also, this book strongly validates that anxiety is a real thing, in a world where most people will suggest that you just need to pull yourself together. It lays out the ground work of techniques you can try on your own, in order to overcome (ar at least cope) with your anxiety.
What I call "the psychology part"-of the book, might be a bit too heavy for some younger teens, but I think that anyone who suffers from anxiety and want to do something about it will keep through. 
The book also have some interesting stories from people who experience anxiety on a daily basis, and I think that this is a much needed perspective. It can be very soothing and liberating to read that you are not the only one who suffers, because when you have anxiety it can really feel like you are suffering alone. I am saying this as someone who is a very angsty person with social anxiety, and I really enjoyed this book and reading the stories of other people. 
For me, I think this book might be the best fit for someone in their mid-teens, but I would not say that someone from outside of that group shouldn't read it.