A review by chchchazley
Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by David D. Burns


Helpful and interesting, Feeling Good includes enough easy-to-replicate activities to be worthwhile as bibliotherapy and enough stories about Dr. Burns's patients to be a readable book. It's well worth reading if you find yourself dealing with periodic depression, anxiety, anger, or low self-esteem, and some of the things I learned have already made a noticeable difference in my moon.

It's not perfect; Dr. Burns definitely comes off as dismissive of antidepressant medications, and the entire book is an oversimplification of a complex therapeutic technique. It's also outdated in some minor ways (at one point, someone talks about getting a resume "professionally typed," which made me laugh).

But in all, I think this is one valuable piece of a larger discussion of therapy and mental health, not to be taken by itself, but certainly to be included.