A review by meganmalach
Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by David D. Burns


I write this as someone with no background in psychology or CBT, and as someone who has not yet been able to find a therapist in my area.
I finished my final year of undergrad, wanting to kill myself by the end since I had no future plans and had somehow convinced myself that that made me a worthless sack of shit. Which of course wasn’t true, but I wouldn’t listen to anyone who told me. A friend who also suffers from depression recommended this book to me and since it was only $10, I went out and bought it. What a great decision.
It took some time, but the book really did help me break down my shitty thoughts, and once I accepted that even if I had failed I still had worth, I began to recover. It’s got lots of do-it-yourself exercises to help with a range of issues- I didn’t do all of them, but I chose the ones I thought would help me the most. And they did. Once I was able to stop beating myself up and stop listing nonsensical reasons why I couldn’t get out of bed, wash my hair, eat, or do things I enjoyed, I felt a lot better.
I still turn to the exercises in here when I am having a rough day or week, or even just some rough thoughts. I would highly recommend this book for anyone who has suffered from depression, particularly the kind like mine which was largely situational.
Overall, I’m just really glad I read this book.