A review by crispinsday
Preserving, Potting and Pickling: Food from the Storecupboards of Europe by Elisabeth Luard


The title is a little deceptive, as after chapters on how to preserve, pickle and pot foods about half of the book is taken up with recipes for 'suppers' (bread suppers; cheese suppers; vegetable, fish, bean and pasta suppers) and then for biscuits, breads and cakes and sweets and candy, all of which might be lovely in their own right but which don't have a lot to do with how to make jam or pot meat etc., except vaguely as recipes that can either be stored for a reasonably long time or use long-ish lasting ingredients like cheese. And then the book ends wth chapters on syrups; cordials and liquors; infusions; and first aid. Despite that slight disappointment (for me), the book looks and feels lovely, and it's prettily illustrated with the author's own paintings of ingredients. I think if you're really interested in preserving methods, books by authors like Sandor Katz are a better bet, but as a companion to Luard's book European Peasant Cookery, this is nice.