A review by emlyrea
My Anxiety Handbook: Getting Back on Track by Bridie Gallagher, Sue Knowles, Phoebe McEwen


3.75/5 ( or maybe 4, I don’t know to be honest)

Thank you Netgalley for sending me this book in exchange for an honest review.

First of all, I’d like to say that this review is entirely up to me. It’s my feelings, my thoughts, and my way of dealing with things. So this book may not help you, or maybe you think that it’s pointless, or barely explaining things, but we all have our ways to deal with anxiety, and two people cannot have the exact same form of anxiety. So please, respect my opinion.

“You don’t have to do this alone”

When I started this book, I was like “Meh, it’s for young people, I don’t think it’s going to help but let’s try anyway”. And then I read, and I read, and I was like “omg was someone spying on me or something because I can relate to this book way too much.”
And it feels great. To see that you’re not alone (I knew that but you know my brain is dumb sometimes and he forgets things) that there might be a solution to all this situation going on.

My story with anxiety is quite peculiar. I experienced things at a young age, that a child should not experience in my opinion. Also I was bullied for many years, and one doesn’t forget things like that. It played on my mind, I was feeling bad and anxious everyday, but I couldn’t put words on what I felt.
I realized that I was suffering from a strong anxiety disorder only 2 years ago. I realized also that I wasn’t the one having a problem, but that a lot of people actually had the same problems than me and you cannot imagine how it feels great to see that you’re not alone and that there’s nothing wrong with you. I realized that “it’s OK not to be OK” and that I shouldn’t think what I was feeling wasn’t normal or right.
I knew I was anxious with exams and all, but I didn’t realized that all the things I felt anxious for in my every day life were actually linked to this anxiety. I mean I knew I was anxious, but to suffer from anxiety disorder is something different. (at least for me). This helped me, because I was able to put words on what I was feeling, and so I was able to find solutions.
The thing is, I knew I was dealing with anxiety, but I didn’t have a clue what to do to cope with it. Nor to recognize it, because it took me so long to recognize my feelings as anxiety. (I’m rambling am I?)

I read a lot of reviews about this book, and at least 50% of them weren’t as positive as mine.
I think this book explains things very well, and is suited for young readers. However, it may not be helpful for everyone. I’m 21 (22 in June) and this book helped me understand, but it may be too simplistic for other people. It only tackles school and college and not work, so maybe another chapter on this subject would have been great.

I really liked the division between chapters, because if you ever want to read some tips or you need something from one of the chapters, it’s really easy to find in the book. I'm definitely going try some tips from it book, and I really think it can be useful to relax.
This book might help some children, and I really hope so.

" 'Don't be anxious it will only make things worse.' If that worked we wouldn't be writing this book."