A review by lisakimmence3
The Furies by Katie Lowe


"...It seems strange to me, even now, that we see the move into adulthood as something positive, the 'growing out of' old ideas, aspiring to lives that are lived on a dull, simple level. Marriage, desk jobs, the rejection of wonder. The march toward death, losing gut knowledge, love of beauty, joy, along the way. The dull, rote processes of meaningless jobs; hollow entertainment over meaningful experience. Filling our waking hours, that we might at last be released into some fitful, dreamless sleep; bland conversations, hour after hour, with no thought behind them, moment by moment creeping ever toward the abyss."

And this passage can pretty much sum up what it felt like to read this book. I am so happy that this experience is finally over for me. I just want to put the whole thing behind me and pretend it didn't happen.

I'm not going to get into what this book is about as the description does a good enough job of that but when I read the blurb I was so excited to get my hands on this because it gave me all The Craft movie vibes. I love that movie so I thought I was going to be in for a good time.

Let me start with the writing. Though I thought the descriptive writing was very good, this book is just too dang wordy. The dialogue between the girls is very disjointed, with the characters hardly finishing their sentences. It's written as if the girls know what the other is thinking or saying without them having to finish their thoughts but I, as the reader, have no idea what they're thinking so most of the time I was asking myself wtf these girls were even talking about.

And that leads me to the characters. With the exception of Grace, who I may have liked a teensy bit, I didn't like a single person in this book. Not one! And the one I despised the most was, Violet, the one telling the story. I don't think I've hated a main character more. This girl epitomizes what being a follower and not a leader is about. She's weak, she's jealous, she's just down-right pathetic. And her supposed best friends think so too because they tell her often.

And what was the point of Annabel and all that needless stuff? Yeah, this was a nightmare for me. I'm trying my best to not DNF books but this is one that definitely should have been tossed on the shit pile long ago.

My apologies to those who liked this book. It just didn't work out for me.