A review by maddiementions
Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard


*3.5 out of 5 stars*
sigh...I have such a love/hate relationship with this series. There's a part of me that likes it and another part of me that gets so frustrated with the characters and the storyline.

Most of the time, I thought that the plot was intriguing and I can't say that I ever felt bored or uninterested. However, I just really don't like these characters. Mare feels really bland to me and is the typical "I'm not like the other girls" female protagonist. I mean the first line in the blurb for this book literally says "If there’s one thing Mare Barrow knows, it’s that she’s different."

Oh, please.

Anyway, she just feels like any other mainstream YA female protagonist that has a special ability or power. I don't hate her guts or anything, but I wish her character had more depth. For Cal, I tried really hard to like him, but I just can't. I'm not a huge fan of his soldier/jock personality. Plus... my theory is that he's going to betray Mare at some point...

The main reason I have stuck with the series thus far is because Maven holds a special place in my heart. I loved him a lot in the first book before...you know. And there's a part of me that wishes and hopes that he will come to his senses even after everything he's done. I also wonder if he is truly in love with Mare because he shows some signs of it. Yes, it's true, I am a Maven/Mare shipper even though Maven has done some horrible things. Even at this point, I still really like him. I can just feel in my gut that his character might be redemptive. Overall, I didn't hate this book and I know I will read the next one because I'm too invested at this point and I need to know what happens lol.