A review by wwatts1734
Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well by Douglas Stone


"Thanks for the Feedback" is an essential self-improvement book that answers the important question; how will I ever get better if I can't handle the criticism that should help me to improve? We all are resistant to any kind of conversation that is negative or critical. But unless we learn to accept this feedback, we will never get any better. We will always wallow in the same old rut.

The suggestions offered by this book are very valuable. The idea of a "growth" mentality rather than a "fixed" mentality is essential in identifying how to apply feedback toward self-improvement. Keeping the ego at bay is an important component. So is the art of identifying which feedback you should not accept.

Overall I would highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to continue to grow as a professional and as a human being.