A review by nighteyes82
Eternal Rider by Larissa Ione


That was a great read!

did not feel like I was missing anything by starting the serie in the middle of it.
I only have interests for the Horsemen (since Supernatural own Horsemen). I like stories with the underworld, fallen Angels, Gods etc.

the story is fast paced. their is a lot going on. One Horseman is already on the loose causing havoc in the world. If they lose an other Horseman then it is the End. and they don't have much leverage.

And there is the love story. At first it is nice but then it's is taking too long to be resolved. At some point, I really believed she would be killed (too many Korean Drama will make you think it is a plausible option in western romance). but no and then it's a let me die, no I die but no you must let me but no how will I live without you, please let me die development.... at the last minute, they stumble on a solution and yippie HEA to them!

Now I really want to read the #2 but I read there is something happening inthe book that triggers #3 that is not OK for many readers. I wonder if I read book #2 and decide for myself or just take at face value and shelve this serie and author. I have so many other book to read anyway...
don't know mate, don't know...

EDIT 04112018
-> I will not continue with this serie (too many books to read too little time)
here is DG's review that explains - beware spoilers : https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/296976787?book_show_action=true&from_review_page=1