A review by libraryofdreaming
A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro


I'm a sucker for a good Sherlock Holmes adaption so when I saw this YA novel about Charlotte Holmes and Jamie Watson (the original Watson & Holmes' descendants in the present day), I snapped it up. In many ways, it was good and interesting. The character work was well done and I liked Charlotte and Jamie's relationship. Jamie was a pretty fun narrator. But I did not enjoy it entirely. The mystery, in my opinion, depends too much on Watson/Holmes/Moriarty drama and not enough on actual plot. It was not a particularly well constructed mystery.

I was also deeply unsettled by the fact that sexual violence is part of the villain's plot. Would that have happened to a male Sherlock Holmes? Certainly not, and my enjoyment of a female version of Sherlock was severely damaged because of that aspect to the book.