A review by bookph1le
Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well by Douglas Stone


I love books like this. Since I'm eager to learn and grow, I enjoy reading about things that can help me work toward personal development. I find books on communication and psychology the most helpful in this respect, not just because they help me better understand myself and my own tendencies, but because they also help me understand where the people on the other side of the equation might be coming from.

This book delves into some of the psychological explanations for why humans tend to react at they do, but it's not a book about theory. Instead, it offers up these explanations to help you understand how to get past your blind spots and learn to take feedback more constructively, which is good for both your development and your sanity. It's packed with practical suggestions for how to overcome whatever it is that's preventing you from taking in feedback effectively.

What I also liked about it is it's multipurpose. It may sound like a business book, and it definitely spends a lot of time discussing effective communication in business settings, but it's also a book that can be of great help on a personal level. By learning what my tendencies are, I can recognize them and interact with friends and family in more helpful, constructive ways.

A solid, beneficial read I'd recommend to anyone interested not just in getting better at receiving feedback, but also at getting better at becoming a more effective communicator. After all, that's a skill that can only help you, both at work and outside of it.