A review by alexan13
Havenfall by Sara Holland


I liked this book, but ultimately I do not think it is going to stick with me. Despite the promise of the premise, this book doesn't feel like it will be particularly memorable, which isn't necessarily the fault of the book itself, but more the fault of my own expectations and tastes.

The writing is good, the plot mysteries were intriguing enough to keep the reader reading (though the plot was very predictable, I don't fault it for its predictability, as I don't think that is an inherent flaw and did not hurt the reading experience here). I didn't particularly grow attached to the characters however, and while the protagonist's situation -- trying to navigate politics she does not understand, trying to assert herself as a leader and thus not relying on counsel or people that could help her, and naively trusting the intentions of those around her -- might have been compelling, my disconnect from her character made it difficult to care about these stakes. Overall, I liked the book and it certainly was not bad, I don't think it is something I will think about again.