A review by ameserole
Havenfall by Sara Holland


Ever since I saw this on NetGalley, I was beyond excited to dive into it. Then I got that sweet little email saying I received this ARC. Only.. to be completely disappointed because it was the sampler version. I wasn't expecting that one bit and thought the world was out to get me.

Honestly, I couldn't even tell you how many times I tried to get the actual book of this before it came out. It's probably a sad number and I was a little bit disappointed and let down. Luckily for me, I finally got my hands on the audiobook and I was hoping that Havenfall would be amazing. Mostly because I didn't want my stupid rejections for this ARC to break my excitement.

Not going to lie, this book is beyond beautiful. I absolutely love the cover and I can't wait to get my hands on the actual physical of this! Then there's my love for Maddie. Ever since that damn sampler I've been hooked on her and this entire world. It had endless mysteries and secrets to uncover and I just wanted to know who the bad guy was.

I, of course, had so many suspects and it was really hard to pick one out of the bunch. I also really enjoyed each little twist and turn each chapter gave me. I'm probably way too excited for the next book to come out.. but how could you not with an ending like that? I have questions that need answers to.. so yeah, I need book two stat!

Besides all of that, I enjoyed all the flirting and bantering. Even though I kind of got a little love triangle vibe - I still ended up with a ship out of it. So I'm wondering if the sequel will dive into that, go down a different route, or I don't know - completely forget about the romance forever.

I just need answers about a lot of things.