A review by wendythegeekgoddess
Notes on an Execution by Danya Kukafka


My Take on the synopsis:
Ansel grew up seeing his mother starved and beaten by his father until finally, one day, him and his baby brother are saved, found almost starved to death in a cabin, alone. Now Ansel has grown, he doesn’t know how to love and he can still hear his baby brother crying and crying and the only way to make it stop is to kill. Now Ansel is on death row and the hours are ticking till his time is up.

This book is dark and I love the multiple POV’s. We get into the minds of the victims families, Ansels birth mother, and Ansels POV is told in second person. I love how much you, as the reader, just feels conflicted because you see how much these victims families have suffered and you want Ansel to suffer for all he’s done. But then we jump into the mind of Ansel as he awaits his execution, his desperation to feel something, anything, to finally feel human and you can’t help but feel bad for the guy but then you take a step back and get mad that you feel bad for him when you remember the horrible things he’s done. This book leaves you conflicting with your own emotions and staring at the wall, questioning, can one truly be good or evil…