A review by itputsthebookupontheshelf
Where Dreams Descend by Janella Angeles


Where to start...

I was super intrigued when people were comparing this to The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern and Mulin Rouge (I adore them both). While I get the references, I was slightly disappointed by this title.

I'll be honest, I struggled with how to rate this and how I was feeling about it, so I went to go check other peoples reviews on Goodreads. It was well written and interesting, but it was also very confusing and left so many unanswered questions. I was simultaneously happy and upset that I saw so many others with the same feeling as I had. I was hoping I had just missed something or zoned out.

There are so many plot holes, things brought up that don't tie in and inconsistencies. While I understand that some authors do this to set up for the next book, this book just felt choppy. The beginning and the end were the most interesting, while a good chunk of the book "the meat" was unsatisfying.

We are told that magicians are either born or aquire magic, but we are never really told anything beyond that. It is brought up about the four families and I can maybe see, again, how the author may be setting up for the next book to reveal more about some of the characters and magic, but it would have helped to know a bit more now. I did like the tie-in with the mirrors, I need to know more!

I did enjoy Jack. He was interesting, and you get the most out of his character and how he ties in more than most of the other characters. Demarco was ok, and I started to like him until the end... No spoilers, but I saw that coming.

As for Killia, I would have liked a bit more on her, we know she is really powerful from the start, but we know nearly nothing about her other than that. I do love that she is strong and does what she wants, not caring what others thought about her.

I loved Aaros as a character, and I really wanted more about him. Everyone else, I remember nearly nothing about.

Even though it wasn't quite what I was expecting, it was a fairly strong debut, and I can understand why people love it as well. I am curious to see what happens in the next one and hope that we get a bit more flushed out characters, magic system, and explanations.

Thank you the Netgalley and Wednesday Books for a copy of this title in exchange for an honest review