A review by trapwomanistcyborgwitch
Blood Scion by Deborah Falaye


Thankful to be apart of this wonderful book tour @coloredpagesblogtours and thanks to Epic Reads (@epicreads), author Deborah Falaye (@deborahfalaye) for this beautiful finished copy!

Book Information
Title: Blood Scion
Author: Deborah Falaye
Publisher: Harperteen
Publication Date: March 8th, 2022
Pages: 432
Genres: Young Adult fantasy
Fifteen-year-old Sloane can incinerate an enemy at will—she is a Scion, a descendant of the ancient Orisha gods.

Under the Lucis’ brutal rule, her identity means her death if her powers are discovered. But when she is forcibly conscripted into the Lucis army on her fifteenth birthday, Sloane sees a new opportunity: to overcome the bloody challenges of Lucis training, and destroy them from within.

Sloane rises through the ranks and gains strength but, in doing so, risks something greater: losing herself entirely, and becoming the very monster that she ahbors.

Following one girl’s journey of magic, injustice, power, and revenge, this deeply felt and emotionally charged debut from Deborah Falaye, inspired by Yoruba-Nigerian mythology, is a magnetic combination of A Song of Wraiths and Ruin and Daughter of Smoke and Bone that will utterly thrill and capture readers.

This book themes include

✅Longing to know the truth

Whew, Chile! This was an epic story. Slow burn (pun intended) at first and then non-stop action inferno! I really enjoyed this book. Slone is a wonderful morally grey character. I admired her grit and determination to get what she wanted, and that was the truth about her mother's Disappearance. The best aspect of the book was the amazing and detailed authentic Yoruba mythology and magic system. I am familiar with some of the Orishas and learned some new ones from this book! This book is not for everyone. It is very graphic in violence and has other serious topics in discussion so I would pay very close attention to the trigger warnings, which are listed at the beginning of the book. Falaye explores the difficult subject of child soldiers and it is shown in brutal detail in the book. Some very heartbreaking scenes. But the ending was fantastic and has me very excited for the sequel! If you like dark YA Military High Fantasy (Think The Guilded Ones) this book is for you!


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ out of five stars!!!