A review by ambeesbookishpages
A Cold Legacy by Megan Shepherd


The full review can be found at The Book Bratz close to its release date!

Out of the wholes series A Cold Legacy is my favorite. Megan Shepherd created and amazing story full of horror, action and romance that kept me wishing for more.

Juliet, Montgomery, Balthazar, Lucy, and Edward have escaped London after killing three of the men who were going to steal her father's research. But not only do they have to worry about Lucy's father hunting them down, Edward is deathly ill and if you doesn't get the medical attention he desperately needs he won't make it. Soon after arriving at Elizabeth's manor in Scotland. Juliet learns things about herself, as well as the inhabitants of the house that will change her life forever.

In my review of Her Dark Curiosity I mentioned how I felt Juliet made horrible decisions and she wasn't the kick ass heroine that she was in the first book. I take that back. In A Cold Legacy Juliet totally becomes that heroine that I knew she could be. Of course, she still makes stupid decisions with out thinking them through, but I figured out that that is her character. Over all though I am happy with Juliet turns out to be, how she has grown and changed since the first book.

A Cold Legacy has an interesting mix of characters, some of which I enjoyed. Others annoyed the hell out of me. I liked Valentina's character at first, I was curious of her past, why her hands were a different color from the rest of her body and why she was so desperate to become the heir of the manor. Then she took a turn and became frustrating. Balthazar is a character that will always hold a place in my heart. I loved every scene he was in, his loyalty, his kindness. If anything good came out of that island it was Balthazar.

The love triangle is solved, finally! The whole thing was so sweet and cute. There are so many feels involved though, so don't say I didn't warn you before hand. A Cold Legacy was just a book that did nothing but evoke a ton of feels.

I have nothing bad to say. I loved everything about this book, as well as this series. The ending of A Cold Legacy was bitter sweet, I finished the last page with tears in my eyes. Good or bad? I won't say, let me leave it at that. I am really looking forward to future books by Megan Shepherd.