A review by artisanreader
Cast in Firelight by Dana Swift


Cast in Firelight was one of the most beautifully written novels I've read! Sentences were strewn together as a poem creating a world of imagery for the reader, "Fear clouds. Anxiety swirls. Anger bites." Like, how freaking beautiful is that collection of words?!

Not only does the writing keep you engaged, but this novel looks at women, equality, and society with a breath of fresh air.
I mean how many books have you read that outwardly talks about female menstruation as something not to fear or be grossed out at? "They mostly scream permutations of bloody, red, and bitch, switching up the words based on variation and good old-fashioned passion. Overall, it seems that I can be described as a menstrual cycle."
Or a book that actually shows intense emotion from a guy and outwardly expresses their feelings? "I almost comment on how bossy she is, but stop when I realize it's leadership, natural bloody leadership."
I just can't believe how wonderful this book made me feel, and it deserves all the credit!

5/5 stars because I felt so giddy the entire book and loved everything about this world. I can't wait until book 2 comes out!! Also, I love Adraa and I need a Jatin in my life hella bad!