A review by daniellersalaz
Happiness: Essential Mindfulness Practices by Thích Nhất Hạnh


Although I’ve completed Happiness, this is really not a book to read from cover to cover and put away. The practices presented here should be revisited and rediscovered throughout one’s life. Mindfulness is not generally celebrated or incentivized in our present culture. Programmers develop apps that will lull us into complacency and keep us from focusing on life outside our screens. 24 hour news cycles constantly present “breaking news” so we won’t turn off the TV. We have music and podcasts to keep us company throughout the day, allowing us to never face our own thoughts and fears.

We must build in practices that break these cycles and intentionally allow us the space and peace to truly appreciate our surroundings and loved ones and our own strengths and weaknesses. Any single chapter in this book could form the foundation for a month of practice; collected together they can be overwhelming but also allow us to find what we need most at the current moment. I plan to revisit this work frequently.

In particular, I enjoyed the last section, “Practicing with Children.” As a mother to two teen/tween boys, I see how these practices can disarm family conflict and create spaces for generosity and kindness, leading to more harmony in the household. Very helpful reminders when circumstances become challenging!