A review by angmander
Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In by Roger Fisher


Most individuals would probably agree with the idea that humans are complex beings. We are motivated and persuaded by a variety of sources and experiences. Many different scenarios play out in our lives simultaneously. It stands to reason, then, that the art of negotiation can be quite complex as well.

Roger Fisher and William Ury, authors of Getting to Yes, recommend four methods of “principled negotiation” to achieve win-win agreements:

1. Separate the focus from the problem
2. Focus on interests, not positions
3. Generate options for mutual gain
4. Insist on using objective criteria

My favorite section of this book is the one that explains Method #2 (Focus on interests, not positions). The authors use the example of two people who want an orange and are trying to determine how to split it. They cut the fruit in half, with each party taking their portion. However, further investigation reveals that one person wanted to eat the fruit, while the other person wanted to use the peel for a cake. If they had discussed their interests (what they actually wanted to do with the orange) rather than their positions (that they both wanted the orange), everyone could have benefitted even more. It makes wonder how many opportunities I miss out on simply because I am focusing on my position.