A review by nickscoby
The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life, One Night at a Time by Arianna Huffington


On the up side, at least someone gave this book to me for free.

I went in really wanting to like this book because I completely agree with its premise, i.e., more sleep is better for us all. But I don't think the book is particularly well written or even all that compelling. I say that because I really don't feel like I LEARNED many new things. This book very much reminds me of a freshman composition essay where the author has strong convictions that are repeated several times but the evidence is suspect and weak. For instance, Huffington writes, "From the beginning of time, people have struggled with sleep." Honestly. That's on page 197. In addition, there are scattered quotes from different pieces of fiction . . . although I am not really sure why.

Look: I am totally on board with the main idea: GO TO BED, PEOPLE. But this book didn't convince me of it.