A review by tinkerer
The American Way of Eating: Undercover at Walmart, Applebee's, Farm Fields and the Dinner Table by Tracie McMillan


Update: This book is on hold because it was due at the library and I couldn't push myself through that chapter or any other at this time...
I'm reading this book because I want details, facts and anecdotes about (in the first part of the book) farm labor. However, there aren't as many facts and descriptions of the systems as I thought there would be...in my opinion, there's too much space devoted to the author's social blunders or triumphs in a Spanish-speaking labor environment. It all comes across as angsty and is distracting from the real purpose of the book. Hopefully I make it through one more chapter in this section to the rest of the book that won't be so bogged down with this stuff.