A review by heather425
Adequate Yearly Progress by Roxanna Elden


Adequate Yearly Progress is a great tongue in cheek story about working in a school today. The author’s experience in schools is obvious from the stereotypes she portrays to perfection. The over eager assistant principal, the different teachers, the disinterested students, and all the crazy acronyms are all present in today’s school setting. I spent almost a decade working as a school counselor and burned out more from the constant changes in bureaucracy than working with the students. Constant meetings, paperwork, and trainings meant less time supporting the students. This book is perfect if you work in a school. And if you don’t it’s still great to see how impossible we’ve made teaching as a profession. Teachers are under paid, underappreciated, and over blamed for society’s problems.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC.