A review by bookishwithwine
The Furies by Katie Lowe


Have you ever seen The Craft? It’s a movie from 1996 about a new girl who falls in line with a trio of outcasts teenage girls who practice witchcraft.

I could not get the movie out of my head while reading this book. There are so many similarities, but the one thing that does set the movie and this book apart is murder.

There was something off about Violet’s character. She just didn’t seem to care. She survived the car accident that killed her little sister and her dad, but she didn’t seem to be bothered by it. Her mom on the other hand become a basket case and didn’t really keep track of her daughter except to enroll her in the academy.

Right when Violet met Robin, Grace and Alex you knew she was going to be drawn into whatever they were doing. They said she had an uncanny resemblance to missing student Emily. Emily and Robin had been best friends before she vanished, and Violet did not want her found. She was Robin’s best friend now, and if they did find her it would ruin everything. Creepy clingy anyone?!

I found this book hard to follow. The parts in the book where I wanted more of an explanation there wasn’t one. Other parts where they didn’t need to explain more, it dragged on.

The only thing I was really curious about with this book is finding out what happened to Emily. You will find out, and it’s not the direction I was going, but it was a nice little twist.